topic 12/2/2023 - Bobbie (2023/12/4)  [Home]


私のソーバー・バースデーは 1981年12月9日です。カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルスで、私は最初のソーバーになりました。当時私は42歳で、アルコールによってほぼ殺されかけていました。私には希望がなく、自分の命を絶つ方法を探そうとしました。友達の家に泊まっているとき、計画1: お風呂に温かい水をため、入り、そして手首を切ろうとしました。彼女には迷惑をかけないように、私はそれを想像しました。くそっ、彼女のために、私にはできない。計画2: 彼女の家は高速道路に近かったのです。私は陸橋に行って、大きなトラックを待ち、飛び降りるつもりでした。私はそれも想像しました。私はそのトラックの運転手に、生涯に渡る恐怖を与えるだろう。いや、それはできない。

私は24時間365日アルコールを飲んでいましたが、酔えませんでした。希望はありませんでした。母に電話して伝えました。彼女は母親らしくパニックになり、私の夫と娘に電話して、私を迎えに来るように言いました。彼らは私に助けが必要かどうか尋ねました。私の脳はそれを聞き、希望がないまま「はい、必要です」と答えました。彼らはリカバリーホームを探し、Rollyhills を見つけました。テレビの広告もありました。彼らは私を引き取り、落ち着かせてくれました。彼らは私に飲み物(アルコール)を持ってきてくれて、「1時間後にもう1杯あげる」と言いました。私は希望を抱きました。彼らは私に飲み方を教えてくれるのだと思ったのです。


2023年12月2日のトピック:私は2023年11月21日の火曜日に心臓発作を経験しました。私は5日間入院し、病院で出来るあらゆる検査を受けました。最初の検査は失敗し、その後、高度な検査である冠動脈造影検査(cath angiogram)に進みました。それは身体の組織や器官に直接的に介入する検査です。何が起こったのかについてはまだ答えがありません。薬を処方され、医師に診てもらいましたが、現時点ではまだ答えがありません。金曜日に心臓の専門医に診てもらいます。それに期待しています。一日一日を大切に生きています。これは、私がソーバーの者として持っている最良の道具の一つです。幸いなことに、私には自分よりも偉大な力があります。それを私はAAで見つけました。

Bobbie Voraphongphibul
Sober Date 1981/12/9

Translator : yu

Thank you for allowing me to share this week's meeting. I have two shares.

My sober birthday: 12/9/1981. I will do that first. I got sober in LA, California. I was 42, and alcohol almost killed me. I had no hope and tried to find a way to take my life. Staying at a friend's house, Plan 1: fill a tub with warm water, get in, and slit my wrists. So as not to make a mess for her, I visualized that. Crap, I could not do that to her. Plan 2: her place was close to the freeway. I would go to the bridge, wait for a big truck, and jump. I also visualized that. I would give this driver a horror for the rest of their lives. No, can't do that.

I was drinking 24/7 but could not get drunk. I had no hope. Called my mother and told her. She freaked out, as mothers do, called my husband and daughter, and told them to come and take me home. They asked me if I wanted help. My brain heard that and, without hope, said yes. They looked up a recovery home and found Rollyhills. Ads on TV. They took me in and got me settled. They brought a shot of my drink and said, "We will give you another one in an hour." I had hope; they were going to teach me to drink.

I was detoxed for three days, and then they came in to tell me the plan. I would be transferred to their bar, given Antabuse, and they'd get to watch me puke over and over. My heart sank. I already knew alcohol made me puke; I thought everyone did that. No insurance would pay; at the time, it was $1600.00 a day. I told my husband I could not stay. My older brother was just like me, and he managed a car dealership; one of his workers was in AA. They had a woman call me on the pay phone. She was very kind and said, "You never have to drink again if you don't want to." I cried and asked how. She said, "We will teach you." She became my sponsor and was a book thumper and had a black belt in AA. She told me every question I ever asked: "It is in the book; read it." Suppose I asked where she said to find it in the book. She saved my life, and I told her I would work on being grateful. She looked at me like WHAT. She said gratitude is a feeling; you either feel it or you don't. Well, I drank so I didn't feel my feelings, so I was shocked. Learning one day at a time to work the program has been a joy and a pain. But I can go back to that young woman and remember her. I am not her anymore. I depend on the big book to find my answers, and I have never had to drink again, one day at a time.

Topic for 12/02/2023: I just suffered a heart attack on Tuesday, Nov/21, 2023. I was hospitalized for 5 days and had every test they could do for me. Failed the first one, then up to the gold standard cath angiogram, very invasive. No answer as to what happened. I was put on meds and saw Dr. So far, no answer. See the heart Dr. on Friday; hope for that. I live a day at a time, one of my best tools as a sober person. Thankfully I do have a power greater than myself, who I found here in AA. When I was new, I had a God out to get me and took 5 years to find one I could believe in. My God knows my name and works in my life. I do not know my God's name. So I was not alone during all the scary days of fear and what-ifs. So I hope you can find a topic in my share. I am grateful to have AA in my life; I would be lost without it. Sending love and hope to all of you.

Bobbie Voraphongphibul
dos 12/09/1981

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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