Intuition topic - Lisa (2023/9/25)  [Home]



18年間連れ添った父のパートナーが、先週の火曜日に亡くなりました。私たち兄弟は木曜日の夜、フェイスブックの投稿でその事を知りました。私は金曜の朝、父に電話をしました。1) 父の様子はどうなのか 2) 葬儀と告別式はいつなのか 父の返事は(それは深い悲しみから来るものでしたが)葬儀には誰も来てほしくないし、助けも必要ないというものでした。私は父に、もし私が行くのだとしても、サポートするために行くのであって、食事や接待を受けるために行くのではないと断言しました。彼はようやく、いつ、どこで葬儀が行われるかを教えてくれました。



誰も来てほしくないと言い張る父に、私はどうするのが正しいのかを祈りました。(父は160マイル離れたところに住んでいます)。彼の意思を尊重しつつ、どうするのが正しいのだろう? 私は彼女の葬儀と埋葬に、ただ静かに立ち会うことにしました。もし彼がそれ以上のサポートを望むなら、私はそこにいることになるでしょう。彼が望んでいないのに、彼の顔色をうかがって、手助けを押し付けたりはしません。しかし、私の父への愛は、彼の悲しみよりも大きいです。私は彼のどんな振る舞いにも、自分の感情を傷つけることなく耐えることができるでしょう。(2004年に母が亡くなったとき、父は私に対してひどく意地悪でした。今となっては、それは彼の悲しみであって、私が何かしたわけではないのだとわかっています)。父は86歳で、これからも変わるつもりはないでしょう。だから、母さんが死んだときと同じように、私は父に期待なんかはしていません。




Translator : yu

Good morning all! Thank you Laurie for the topic. Congratulations to anyone celebrating milestones in sobriety this week.

I'm an alcoholic named Lisa.

The topic of intuition/decisions is a good one for me, as I have come to rely on the pause, followed by the intuitive thought or decision more and more in my sobriety. An example from this past week:
My dad's partner of 18 years died last Tuesday. We (us siblings) found out through a Facebook post Thursday night. I called my dad up Friday morning to find out 1) how he was holding up and 2) when the calling hours and funeral would be. His reply (coming from his deep grief) was that he did not want anyone to come to the funeral and he did not need any help. I assured him that if I came, I would be there to be supportive, not to be wined and dined or entertained in any way. He finally told me when and where the funeral will be.

I am in the process of applying for a new job, and have submitted my resume and had an interview. I should be finding out if I got it on Tuesday. The funeral is Tuesday morning.

I called the funeral parlor that I thought would be handling her cremains, and sure enough, they were handling it. My dad had requested NO death notice or obituary to be placed in the local paper. He didn't want anyone knowing details of the funeral. The funeral director confirmed the time and location for the funeral for me. He was very respectful of my dad's grief and desire to be left alone with his grief.

I prayed for the right thing to do, as he insisted that he didn't really want anyone to come. (He lives 160 miles away.) What would be the right thing to do, while respecting his wishes?? I decided to go and just be a quiet, supportive witness to her funeral and burial. If he would like more support than that, I will be there. I will not be in his face, insisting on helping when he doesn't wish for that help. Yet my love for him is bigger than his grief. I will be able to withstand any behavior from him without my feelings being hurt. (When my mom died in 2004, he was horribly nasty in his grief towards me. I know now it was his grief, and not anything I did.) Dad's 86, and not going to change, so I don't expect him to handle this any different than when mom died.

The right thing to do is to go and be supportive of him in his grief. The wrong thing to do will be to be pushy with offers of support and help that he doesn't want.

And so the journey continues.

Lisa Hens
SD 6/3/85
Dryden, NY

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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