ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
の強い味方でいてくれてありがとうございます。 60歳を迎え、38年間ソーバーでいること、おめでとうございます。 そうやってオールドタイマーになるのです、何年経っても飲まないということですね。
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
を 〜 根を与え、翼を与える、(軍隊式の)行軍命令ではなく 〜 することができます。
自己犠牲は常に、私が長年かけて学んだ幸せです。 私の内側から、神様の生き方の流れの中へ。今までで一番良い引き合いができたと思います。
Susan Maginniss
DOS 9/1/90
Translator : yu
Dear ESH family
I was writing my response to the topic when my computer shut down last night and refused to right itself...so I'm coming in late.
Thank you Lisa for being a strong reed for us in ESH. Congratulations on turning 60 and being 38 years sober. That's how you get to be an old-timer - years go by and we don't drink.
All of the shares were great and varied this week and I loved that I know most of you pretty well that I could feel your ESH coming from the heart. For me, I've just turned 72 and the journey of self-sacrifice has varied over the almost 33 years, but I've always held a service position somewhere in AA and my ego has been smashed enough that I can sponsor effectively...'give them roots and give them wings' - not marching orders.
When I compare my self-sacrifice to the God of my understandings' sacrifice it is paltry, but it is also guided by that same God daily when I ask, "What would you have me do and say today" and actually wait for the opportunity.
Self-sacrifice has always been a blessing I learned through the years. Out of me and into God's stream of living. Best deal I've ever been graced with.
Love and blessings,
Susan Maginniss
DOS 9/1/90