Entirely Ready - Dominic (2023/6/18)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

トピック "神がこれらの性格の欠点をすべて取り除いてくださる用意が完全にできた"、"完全に準備ができた "ということについて、あなたはどのような経験をお持ちですか?それはあなたにとってどのように見え、感じますか?

回復しているアルコホリックのドミニクです。自分の性格の欠点を取り除くことができるのは神だけだということを、私は早い時期に学びました。それでもなお私には、この神の大きな求めに応える役割があります。ステップ3で学んだ私の降伏の実践をさらに強化し、ステップ6と7に全力投球し、神と自分をさらに一致させることを通して、私は自分自身を神の御心に合わせるのです。何年も前に『ドロップ・ザ・ロック』を読んで得た大きな収穫のひとつは、どうすれば自分が "完全に準備ができているか?" どうかを知ることができるのか、ということでした。これは、ステップ4、5、6の継続的な作業から得た自分の性格的欠点の包括的なリストを作成することによって行われました。そして厳格な正直さで、それぞれの性格的欠点の逆のものを特定し、自分の態度、思考、行動をそれぞれの性格的欠点の逆に向けるよう努力します。正確に見分けることができれば、性格上の欠点の逆は、神の御心にかなった性格的特徴であると私は信じています。私が正直に、それぞれの性格的欠点の逆を目指していると答えられるとき、私は神が私の性格的欠点を取り除いてくださる準備ができているのです。

のワークの枠組みの中で神を追い求め、スピリチュアルな原理を適用した結果、私に訪れた継続的なスピリチュアルな変化の一部です。私はもう何年も、自分の性格の欠点は、神の意志や価値観に逆らった自己の意志によって引き起こされるもので、私を最初の一杯や、サボり、あるいは落ち着きのない、不満だらけのいらいらした人生 〜 私が今日楽しんでいる人生よりも、はるかに生きる価値のない人生へと連れ戻すのだと信じています。


Dominic D.
Southern CA

Translator : yu

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks Dot for chairing this week and for your this week’s topic. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: "Were entirely ready to have God remove all of these defects of character." What is your experience with "being entirely ready?” How does that look and feel for you?

Dominic recovered alcoholic. Early on I learned that only God can remove my character defects. Yet, I still have a role in this big ask of God. I am to align myself with God’s Will through my surrender practice learned in step 3 by upping my surrender practice, and going all in with steps 6 & 7 and aligning further myself with God. One of the big takeaways I’ve gotten from reading “Drop The Rock” years ago, was how do I get, and how do I know if I am “entirely ready?” This was done by making a comprehensive list of my character defects gleaned from my continued step 4, 5, & 6 work. Then, with rigorous honesty, identify the opposite of each character defect and strive to orient my attitudes, thoughts, and actions on the opposite of each character defect. I believe the opposite if discerned accurately is a character trait that is God’s Will for me. When I can honestly answer that I am striving for the opposite of each character defect, I am entirely ready for God to remove my character defects.

My experience so far is that God has a removed a number of my character defects. Some He has arrested, that is, they have gone dormant yet can manifest and sometimes do manifest when my will is influenced more by worldly things than God things. Perhaps this keeps me humble as I realize that I haven’t learned the full lesson yet. This is why my life today is no longer my old life, except in remnant. This is part of continuing spiritual changes that have come over me as a result of pursuing God within the framework of 12 step work and applying spiritual principles. I’ve believed for many years now that it is my character defects driven by of my self-will, unbridled by God’s Will and values, that will take back to the first drink, the ditch, or a restless, discontented, irritable life--a life that is far less worth living than the life I enjoy today.

Honestly, from the beginning, I’ve never been able to identify with folks who share that holding on to character defects because one is enjoying them is desirable. My first 4th step illustrated to me in graphic disillusionment style how ugly my life and the person I was had become. I could not fathom in my first 6th step wanting to hold on to character flaws that hurt or were objectional to others and to God. Yes, I had a rude awakening, an inner-self disillusionment about the man I thought I was and the man I had actually become, before any spiritual awakening experience as a result of working all 12 steps.

Dominic D.
Southern CA

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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