ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
最初の哀れな試みとして私が初めてステップ4、5に取り組んだ時は、知識も霊的目覚めもあまり得られませんでしたが、それでもソーバーを続けることができたので、努力する価値は十分にありました。 その後......めまぐるしい3週間の交際の末、素晴らしい彼と結婚した後......今の
と私は、何か見落としているかもしれないと思いました。マジですか???だから私たちはもう一度ステップに戻り、自分の性格上の欠点が、いかに自分に害を及ぼし、周囲の人々を苦しめてきたかを個人的に理解することができ、神がしらふ・回復の杖で私を殴ってくれて、私は本当に、問題をすべて解決してもらう準備が整いました。 うーん......正確にはどう作用するかはわからないけど、神を信頼し、ますます神に立ち返るにつれて......私は、あらゆる状況で実際にその欠点を使う前に、気をつけるようになりました。多くの練習と長い長い年月が必要でしたが、私は本当にそれらの欠点が来るのを察知し、欠点を使う前にそれを取り除いてくださるよう "謙虚に "神にお願いすることができるようになりました。それはとても幸せなことで、身近な人がそのことに気づいてくれると、心が温かくなります。
Lin CHouston,
Texas USA
Translator : yu
Wheeee. Hello all you ESHr's. Welcome to all newbies to ESH or to AA and congrats to all those celebrating milestones this week. My name is Lin Chamberlain and I am an alcoholic. I am sober today and have been, by God's Grace and with your help, since my first meeting on May 20th, 1985. For that personal miracle I am truly grateful. And amazed most days. LOL.
When I did my first pitiful attempt at a fourth and fifth step, I didn't get much out of either as far as knowledge or awakening but I got to stay sober so well worth the effort. Later ...after I married Mr. Wonderful after a whirlwind 3 weeks of dating....my current sponsor and I thought I might have missed something. Really???? So we went back through the steps and when I could personally see how my defects of character had caused me all manner of harm and caused those around me to suffer, I really was ready for God to hit me with the sober/cured wand and solve all my problems. Uh Well...not exactly how it works but as I trusted God and turned to him more and more... I did begin to notice those defects and sometimes it was before I actually applied them to my situation. It has taken lots of practice and many many years, but I really do see them coming and I am able to "humbly" ask God to remove them before I use them. That is such a blessing and it is heart warming when someone close to me notices how much ...
"Oh my God Lin, you have mellowed"
Thank you for letting me share.
Lin CHouston,
Texas USA