やあ皆さん、酔っ払いのジョージです。ローラ、司会をありがとう。「利己主義、自己中心! それが私たちの悩みの根源なのだ」(
, p. 62)
この退職した英語教師にとって、要求 (demand) とリクエストの違いを理解するのは難しいことではありません。どんな辞書を見ても、その違いがわかるでしょう。 また、「自己中心的な恐れ」についてのあなたの言及で思い出したこと。私の
Translator : yu
Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Laura, for chairing. "Selfishness-self-centeredness! That, we think, is the root of our troubles." (BB, p. 62)
To this retired English teacher, the difference between a demand and a request is not difficult to comprehend. Any dictionary will point out the differences. Also, your mention of "self-centered fear" alerted early memories when my sponsor, Greg, had made the BB's page 62 an anchor for understanding how to live the good life: Get out of Self!!
There I was, a middle-aged adult, freshly sober, acting like a baby, demanding to be served. What I learned, however, was I must serve others to save me from the ravages of my alcoholism. If I didn't serve others, I'd end up like my father who returned to the bottle two days before he died at age forty-two. And that's the way it works for me.