を知るには何年もかかり、ポールと私が母が埋葬された墓地に思い切って行くまえに、「墓場での償い」について学びました。そして母の墓場に花を持って行ったのです。私の3人の夫のために、彼らはみんな死んでいましたが、私は償いをしました。特に最初の夫、私が決して良い妻ではなかった時の息子の父親です。そして息子に対して多く精神的肉体的なの責任もありました。私がした最高の生きている償い (Living Amends) は、3番目の夫(最後の)と最後まで一緒に学ぶことでした。償いが意味することは、本当の妻になることです。私の最愛なる息子への償いは、実際にはまだ終わってはいません。最初は私が飲まないで生きている間は幸せでした。それから、しばらくしたのちの今は、彼は自分を守ってくれる責任のある親だったと気づきました。デイビッドはAAで育ちました。AAが母を正気に戻してくれた、と言うのがとても好きです。何年もの間、私はいつも息子に頼っていました。今は息子に頼り過ぎてきたので、悲しい気持ちになっています。
Translator : kj
Thank you, Tina, for chairing and a very Happy A.A. Anniversary this week!
My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972
I was not a daughter to be proud of. My amends to my father was to grow up in Alcoholics Anonymous and attempt to be a different person; from a stubborn, petulant. child (even at 34 years of age) to maybe a decent, respectful woman who some day might be worthy of my Dad's acceptance. It took many years, but this did happen before his death. As for my mother who died so young from alcoholism, it took many years and learning about "graveyard amends" before Paul and I ventured to the cemetery where she was buried. Paul, bringing flowers for her grave. As for my 3 husbands, they are all dead but I did make amends to them, especially. to the father of my son to whom I had never been a good wife and had been responsible for much harm. The best living amends I made was to finally learn with that third (and last) husband, what it meant to be a real wife.Amends to my beloved son have never really ended. At first he was happy for my sobriety, then after a while, he realized that he now had a parent who would keep him accountable. David was raised in A.A. and loves to say that it gave him back his mother. For many years I was always available to him. Now, I depend way too much on him and that makes me sad.
For a long time being part of the solution rather than part of the problem was making livings amends to the universe. I do not like the reality that I am probably now part of the problem?
Again, thank you, Tina, for being in my life and congratulations on your upcoming A.A. Anniversary!
Peace, love, and gratitude from "cooling down" Texas!