Re: Hoping 3rd time is the charm! - Nancy (2023/12/23)  [Home]
Re: 三度目の正直になることを願っています!







のおかげだわ。確かに、より心おだやかになってる。隠し事も無い。昔、引きこもりだったの。酒の力で、社交的になれた。それから、ソーバーになって、私と似た友達、「(AAの) 私たち - WE」という友達に出会った。彼らの中に、「

ナンシー ショー

Translator : mk

I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.

Good topic, Dave.

I've changed. For some reason, this has been on my mind a lot lately.

I had lunch with MA, an old friend, yesterday and we talked about how we've both changed since we met. She was one of my drinking buddies when I moved to town. (She once asked me what I did with leftover wine! So... you can guess that she's not "one of us"!!)

I needed and I'm eternally grateful for my non-alcoholic "We" friends. MA and BB have always had my back and held my hand. We still meet up and go to places that serve alcohol. They always glance at each other and ask me if it's ok for them to have a drink. It's a different definition of We, but it's saved my life! My non-alcoholic husband and "kids" have given me so much unspoken support.

Of course, this type of relationship is certainly not like the We in my AA relationships! You get it! You've been down my trail! We've supported each other because We know what it's like and what's going on.

I've changed in so many ways, probably/definitely due to my sobriety. I'm certainly more comfortable with myself. I have nothing to hide. I used to be withdrawn. Drinking helped me socialize. Then when I quit and found friends like me, my WE friends, I found my HP in them. But I couldn't have gotten and stayed clean and sober without my non-alcoholic friends and family!

Thanks for letting me share!
Nancy Shaw

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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