Topic Aug 13 - Chuck (2023/8/13)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

の?)第一版に掲載された "Lone Endeavor "という話です。この男は


Chuck S
Stamford CT
Dec 4 1990

Translator : yu

Hey there ESH folks I'm a roving alcoholic and I'm Chuck. Thank you Lin for helping me get my service butt in gear. Been very busy with work and home and business I've had to miss my regular meetings quite a few times and now ostensibly with a week off I should be relaxing. Not really. My disease doesn't take a week off so I agreed to lead this week to ward off any relapses that may be lurking. I wish anyone celebrating a milestone the best and keep on sobering.

I left home in Wisconsin at 730 this morning with 2 of our little dogs (the other one is keeping my wife company) and all day I've been listening to AA audio, Big Book, 12+12, Joe & Charlie and other interesting sober stuff I have stuffed in my phone. I've even made use of my group phone lists (hands free of course). And I'm hoping I will have time to drop in at a meeting in some little out of the way Hamlet, a very cool hobby of mine. Not likely though .We are now camped out at a truck stop near Toledo for some needed rest. When I get to my sister's house in Connecticut, I will need all the AA I can get because this is no vacation. These are my sister's I'm dealing with here. Next Friday what's left of my family will have an interment ceremony for Mom and Dad and they have other activities planned for me too. Already I'm frazzled. Kinda feel like Bill caught between a drink and a hard place in Ohio long ago. One thing that really inspired me today is the story "Lone Endeavor" from the first edition. This guy got sober with nothing but a Big Book! Of course, I've got it way easier than that man did, but that doesn't mean I should be any less grateful for the many tools in my toolkit

For this week's topic I would love to hear how you guys manage to avoid disaster during times when getting to meetings is not possible. Even if a drink is the farthest thing from your mind, what tools do you grab from your spiritual toolbox to maintain sanity and peace. We'll see you on the flip-flop.

Chuck S
Stamford CT
Dec 4 1990

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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