Re: Topic Jan 21 - Ellen (2024/1/27)  [Home]
Re: 1月21日のトピック


の最初の頃の、希望の兆しの証拠の、とても素晴らしい思い出についてシェアします。おそらくソーバー2ヶ月の頃に初めて、私はその約束について「聞いた」のです。それは紙にタイプされ、コピーが部屋中に回され、仲間たちが家に持ち帰るために渡されました。それらを読み進める中で、私は息をのんで鳥肌が立った感覚を覚えています ... これらのことが全て私には実現している! ... これらの「約束」はどこから来たのだろう?私は知りませんでしたが、それらの「約束」を以前に、もう3年前に読んでいたことがありました。私は

後で学ぶことになるのですが、これらの「約束」はステップ9の中で言及されています。私はまだステップをきちんとした形では始めていませんでした ... とはいえ、ステップ1については何の疑いもありませんでした。どの約束も、最初の段階で実現していました ... なぜだろう。 私はステップワークをしていませんでした、まだ頭がぼんやりしていたのです。私が思い当たった唯一のことは ... それは私に希望を与えるためのものだったのです。希望とは、もし私がソーバーを続け、すでに他の仲間たちが経験し成功を収めた提案に従うなら、私は生き続け、おそらくは何かしらの目的や幸福を見つけることができるかもしれないというものでした。死にたい気持ちから抜け出すための希望でした。神様、AA、そして仲間のみんなは正しかった ... 今日一日を大切に。

で経験していることを説明してくれました ... しかし、それよりも心を打たれたのは、それが私の父のことを説明してくれたことでした。父は彼の教会からAAでの回復を「許可」されなかったのです。彼は


Sober Date 2003/1/21

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today. By the grace of God and the program of Alcoholics Anonymous, this past Sunday, January 21st, I observed 21 years of continuous sobriety. Thank you all for being on this journey with me!

I've shared this before about the Promises, but what a great reminder for me of the evidence of hope so early in my sobriety. I was maybe two months sober when I first 'heard' the Promises. They had been typed up and copies passed around the room for people to take home with them. As I read through them, I remember my breath catching and goosebumps... all these things were coming true for me!... where had these Promises come from? Little did I know that I had read them three years before when I read the Big Book from cover to cover, then gave it away because I never read a book twice. I remembered nothing from that first reading.

I would learn some time later that these Promises are mentioned in the middle of the ninth step. I hadn't begun the steps as of yet... in a formal way... although, I had no doubt about Step One. Every.single.promise was coming true for me early on... why. I hadn't done the work, I was still in a mental fog. The only thing I have been able to come up with is... it was to give me hope. Hope that if I stayed sober, followed the suggestions that all of you have already experienced and found success with, that I just might be able to continue to live and possibly find some purpose, some happiness instead of wanting to die. God, AA, and all of you have been proven right... one day at a time.

One of the most profound Aha! moments I remember having and I still get very emotional about it (I'm crying, now) is when I read The Doctor's Opinion. Yes, it explained what I was experiencing as regards my own alcoholism... but, in such a more heart-rending way... it explained my father. He was never 'allowed' by his church to seek recovery in Alcoholics Anonymous. He was ill with the disease of alcoholism and all we were told was that it was a moral failing and that AA was full of people who were bad association. How can a person who is mentally, spiritually and physically ill fight that uphill battle when he looked to those spiritual leaders for guidance? My heart softened towards my father in a very deep way and has provided in large part the impetus to continue to trudge forward in sobriety, believing that he also looks down from heaven with a healed and loving heart.

This is my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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