revelations - Dorothy (2024/1/31)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

私が最初に気づいた違いの一つは、私の心が少しだけ開いて … 皆さんのメッセージを聞く耳を持つようになったことです。必ずしもすぐに信頼したわけではありませんが、仲間たちが経験した苦難や、

初めてのミーテイングで序文が読まれたとき、私は驚きました。初めてミーティング会場に来た時、私はAAが実際に何を意味するのか、まったくわからずに入ってきました ... 私にはたくさんの疑問がありましたが ... 序文が読み上げられる中で、多くの疑問がすぐに解決されたのです。AAには共通の問題を抱えた人々がいることに驚きました。私たちの状況はさまざまでしたが、真の敬意があり、「外部」の意見を押し付けることは誰もしませんでした ... お金のために参加している人もいませんでした。それもまた衝撃でした。

AAは祝福された魅力的な共同体です... それに参加できて本当に感謝しています。そのことで人生にどれだけの違いがもたらされることでしょうか。


Translator : yu

Hi ESH friends. I'm grateful to be here with you for another meeting. Thanks so much, Pam, for your dedication and service to our group.

I think one of the first differences that I became aware of was that my mind opened ever so slightly... to allow my ears to hear your message. Not that I necessarily trusted immediately, but there was a sense that you folks weren't lying about the misery you'd experienced and the hope you found in the program. It was just enough of a glimmer. Previously, I'd become so cynical about everything and everyone I would have automatically dismissed it. That was a huge change.

And I was amazed when the Preamble was read at my very first meeting. I had entered the room clueless - really had no idea what AA was about... I had so many questions... and many were answered right then in the reading of the Preamble. I was surprised to find in AA people who had a common problem and even though our circumstances were varied there was true respect and nobody tried to push "outside" views... nor were they in it for money. That came as a shock, too.

AA is a blessed and fascinating fellowship... I'm so grateful to be a part of it. What a difference it makes in a life.

peace & love,

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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