Home Free - George (2024/1/31)  [Home]


そのような簡単なことなのに、なんて素晴らしい感覚だろう。私、ジョージは:結局のところ、普通の男だった私にできたのだろうか?刑務所のパーソナルオフィスの行くのに、そんなに時間はかからなかった。そこで刑務所長によれば、私は〝驚いたことに“ 教育ディレクターとして保っていた地位から、元の英語教師の地位に戻されたとのことだ。



Translator : kj

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Pam, for chairing. What surprised me most after attending a few AA meetings was my smile. I either didn't smile or couldn't smile for a very long time. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't exactly happy, joyous, and free yet, but I could return other people's smiles and feel a tad of warmth enter my being each time.

Such a simple matter, but what a tremendous feeling. Me, George: Could it be I was a regular guy, after all? It didn't take me long to go to the prison's personnel office where, according to the Warden, I "surprisingly" demoted from the position I held as Education Director back to my former English teaching position.

Two weeks later, after I sat behind my classroom desk for the first time in years, I could feel my grin grow from ear to ear. I was home.

And that's the way it works for me.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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