Re: Topic Jan 28, 2024 - Ellen (2024/2/3)  [Home]
Re: 1月28日のトピック

おはようございます- アルコホリックのエレンです。私は今日、ソーバーで生きていることに、とても感謝しています。



Translator : kj

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Topic: what did you first notice about yourself when you stopped drinking? I didn't feel hopeless, anymore. I had no idea what life was going to look like without using alcohol to 'cope'... it wasn't numbing the pain any longer and it wouldn't kill me in my sleep... I kept waking up every miserable day. But, from the morning I woke up and didn't want to drink anymore, and found myself heading back to AA with a willingness and open-mindedness to have you all show me how to stay sober, I had the hope that I could get through whatever life was going to throw at me... as long as I didn't pick up a drink. AA was going to show me how to not pick up that drink. The light of hope has dimmed at times over the years, but it has never been extinguished completely. A gift by the grace of God from that first day sober. "What surprised you most about AA early on or later?" I'm not sure exactly when this happened, but I remember being totally caught off-guard to find that the AA fellowship was eerily similar to the religious congregation that I grew up in. That congregation's behavior towards me and those who were not perfect is what convinced me that I was never going to be good enough for God... or anyone or anything else in this human existence. It has been a long, hard road to reconciling my beginnings with the damage done to recovery from my alcoholism to finding God in the rooms of AA. This has been done with learning to live the steps, traditions, and the other spiritual principles found in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. And through the blessings, guidance and strength from my Creator... He who had always been there, had always loved me, and continues to do so, today. Progress not perfection as I continue to trudge the sober path. Even when that path gets dark... it is no longer hopeless. This is my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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