Family Affair - Mark (2024/3/15)  [Home]



が、家族の病だったと聞いていたことを覚えています。そして、私自身の"家族の原点”を見ています。家族の病が、如何に筋が通っているかわかりました: 家族の喧嘩、母は夕食を作りながら、ワインを飲んでいました。それから、食事をとっている父を見ながらワインを飲んでいました;私は、家族のトラウマから、逃れるためにアルコールとドラッグを使う始末…それから、回復して行くために、私のトラウマ一部分を見つめ直す必要と埋め合わせをする必要がありました。"(家族の誰一人として、私が最もしそうにないことである再び ""ごめんなさい” と言うことを必要として "いなかったからです)。








彼女は、こってりとしたフランス料理を食べ、ワインを飲むと体調を崩し、たぶんその後何かあるかもしれません。彼女は心配していて、そんな自分が嫌いでした…それらは関係づけることができましたが、彼女が一番聞きたくなかったことは、私の〝役に立つ” AAの提案やスローガンでした。〝受け入れることが答えだった”についての一節(アルコホリックのポール博士が、







マルシニー, フランス

※訳注:"Family Affair" は米国の音楽グループ Sly & The Family Stone の曲名の引用と思われます。

Translator : kj


I’m Mark and I am alcoholic… but, amazingly, not ingesting alcohol and then having to try to deal with the consequences. What a relief!

Thank you for the topic of the family after, Ted. I remember early on hearing how alcoholism was a family disease, and looking at my own “family of origin” I could see how that made sense: the family fights, my mother drinking wine while cooking dinner and then drinking at my father during the meal; me using alcohol and drugs to escape from the family trauma…. And then coming into recovery and needing to look at my part of the trauma and making a living amends (since the last thing in the world any of my family needed was me saying “sorry” again).

When I first retuned to the fold of AA after conducting detailed field research for the better part of twenty years (in which I found that controlled drinking wasn’t in my wheelhouse) I was worried that my wife and primary drinking partner, who I had met during my research, wouldn’t love me anymore.

So I told her I was going back to AA, which surprised her since I’d never really talked to her about being in AA before we met, and said I had to do it for my own sanity and that it wasn’t about her or her drinking. I said I would need to go to meetings pretty much every day after work and she said that she loved me and understood that I needed to get support. We agreed we’d make it work.

And we did.

It did put the focus a bit more on her drinking, which she became a bit more self conscious about, but she did seem to control it to a few glasses of wine a day, she didn’t have the horrendous hangovers that I did, and it was just a sort of reward and way to relax for her at the end of a long day’s work.

Fast forward some years and we are both retired and living in Europe. She would annoyed and sometimes billigerant when she wanted to stay in and watch a show with me in the evening but I wanted to (sometimes needed to) go to a meeting or talk to an alcoholic on the phone. But it was mostly manageable.

Fast forward a bit more into the isolation of COVID where lockdowns in Europe were hard core— and I became reliant on AA meetings on Zoom and, as some trauma from her past came to the surface, she started drinking more, admitting to me that she’s an alcoholic… but that there’s no way she’ll ever go to AA.

A few nights and mornings after such blowups were difficult and I tried to keep my head down and not add fuel to the fire by reacting. I never really did AlAnon but had picked up a few ideas from my father who had: I didn’t cause it, I can’t control it, I can’t cure it.

She would get physically sick eating rich French food and drinking wine and maybe something afterwards. She was worried and hated herself….and I could relate but the last thing she wanted to hear were any of my “helpful” AA suggestions or slogans. The line about “acceptance was the answer” (which alcoholic addict Dr. Paul writes about in the context of the relationship with his wife in the BB) was my strategy through this rough patch.

And then on New Years, after getting physically sick on a big dinner and two glasses of wine, she stopped drinking and overeating altogether for the simple reason that she wanted to live long enough to see her grandchildren. Life was absurd and there was so much suffering in the world, she said, but she wanted to spend as much time as possible with her grandchildren. Teach them French. See them as they grow up.

We already had a two year old granddaughter and a baby boy was born in early February, and she’s now with them all in Amsterdam, where I’ll go to spend time with them next week. She says she’s not committing to never drinking again, but she recognizes what it does to her body and mind and has the resolve for now to not drink.

And who knows? That’s pretty much exactly what happened to my mother who drank pretty much every day for more than sixty years and then, around age 80, was told by a doctor she’s live longer if she didn’t drink. So she stopped the daily old fashioned and lived to age 96 because she loved life more than she loved drink.

So AA doesn’t have a monopoly on stopping drinking…and of course it doesn’t guarantee someone will stay stopped. But it’s helped me and I’m deeply grateful.

Even though sometimes we pretend otherwise, we really know but a little and after all our program of recovery is just suggested. For my wife, her grandchildren are in a sense her higher power, and being of service to them helps her stay sober and alive.

Some people say it’s good to be sober just to be sober, but for others of us it’s good to be sober just to be alive.

Marcigny, France

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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