"Thy Will Be Done" - Dominic (2024/3/24)  [Home]









84 から 88 ページ(日本語版122ページ終わりから127ページまで)が、最も影響力のある信仰指向の文章であると思います。ここの部分は、第10ステップ(たゆまぬ努力)と第11ステップ(霊的目覚め)についてであり、私には合点がいきます。まとめると、ここからの私の教訓は、次の通りです。一貫性が大切である。神こそが神であり、私は神ではない。そして、私の意志を神の意志に合わせることが、私の自由意志の最高かつ最善の活用である。

ドミニク D.


Sober Date 2024 年 4 月 2 日

Translator : mk

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks, Kitza for chairing this week, and for this week’s topic. Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week!

Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: ”Please use this meeting to read the middle of page 85 and share your thoughts.”

Middle of page 85: “[It is easy to let up on the spiritual program of action and rest on our laurels. We are headed for trouble if we do, for alcohol is a subtle foe. We are not cured of alcoholism. What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition. Every day is a day when we must carry the vision of God's will into all of our activities. "How can I best serve Thee-Thy will (not mine) be done." These are thoughts which must go with us constantly. We can exercise our will power along this line all we wish. It is the proper use of the will.]”

Dominic recovered alcoholic. As many have shared this week, I find this paragraph to be centered around the ideas of “daily reprieve contingent upon my spiritual condition,” and “aligning my will to God’s will as being the proper use of my will.” Much of this writing I long ago turned into a daily devotion prayer. I found these devotions to be a very effective foundation in my daily practice of surrendering to God, which as I understand spiritual surrender, is aligning my will to God’s will.

In the beginning of my recovery, I found myself like others, not knowing what God’s will is for me. For me, I had to learn about God to be able to clearly discern that what God’s will is for me is one-moment-at-a-time. Even though I am not Catholic today, I was fortunate to have had been brought up in a Catholic home with an orientation toward the God of the Bible. Therefore, I had no impediments of thinking my God was a product of solely my own thoughts nor that what I think about something, even creation, is the final word. I also learned this from my denial about my alcoholism. Right up until about six months prior to my current sobriety, I denied that I was an alcoholic. This wasn’t true, even though I believed it to be true. What was true then and still true today is that I had been alcoholic for at least a decade before I opened my mind to admitting I am an alcoholic. Talk about an experience of disillusionment and ego deflation!!

I remember as a newcomer after a meeting that an oldtimer asked me how I was doing. I think I said good, and then asked him how he was doing. He said to me, “Thy will be done.” At the time, I thought this was an odd response, and just chalked it up to he must be religious. I smile at that experience now, because “Thy will not mine be done,” has been one of the most powerful daily prayers in my spiritual toolkit for over two decades now! I’ve also grown to see how the word “religion” has been demonized by the culture and many churches today--no one seems to desire to be religious! Yet, what they are speaking of is “bad religion, not “good religion,” even though a distinction is no longer made. Religion comes from the Latin root word, “religio,” which means “bond,” “to re-bind,” or “obligation.” For me, I live my AA 12-step life religiously. I am not ashamed to be seen as or called religious-- most people don’t even know what that means. Good religion was established to make people better people. Bad religion does the opposite. Anyways, that’s how I see it. Besides, the Big Book itself speaks about religious people positively (pg 87)--they seemed to have been wise enough to see the good religion distinction.

I find pages 84-88 to be the most impactful faith-oriented writing in the Big Book. Makes sense to me since these are the wrings on steps 10 (Perseverance) & 11 (Spiritual Awareness). In summary, my biggest takeaways from this paragraph are: consistency matters, God is God and I am not, and aligning my will to God’s will is the highest and best use of my free will.

Dominic D.

San Clemente, CA


This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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