ESH-topic-June 30, 2024 - Ellen (2024/7/6)  [Home]



確立 - 私がとうとうしらふになりたいと思い、ソーバーを保つために助けが必要だと分かったとき、私は進んでオープンマインドでAAに戻り、アルコールなしで生活する方法を教えてもらいました。以前は神/祈り/霊的
について話すのを聞きました... 様々な種類のものです。そして、自分自身の神の概念を選ぶことについて書かれたビルの物語を読みました。私は創造主、偉大な精神、偉大な神秘に共鳴しました... 最終的に、神は愛であり、彼の存在を信じるためにすべてを知る必要はないという結論に達しました。

維持 - 私は
)で使われる祈りに違和感を覚えたので、ただ神に話しかけ始めました - 当時の私が理解していた神にです。私はあらゆる種類の霊的な本や日々の瞑想を読み、オープンマインドで仲間たちの話に耳を傾け続けました。その時も今も、私の

改善 - 今日私には、小さな内なる賢明な男女がいて、愛を持って私を導いてくれます。彼らは私が霊的(あるいは精神的、感情的)に失敗しても、叱責や批判をしません。私は、神が他の人々を通じて、書かれたものであれ話されたものであれ、私に語りかけてくれると心から信じています。12x12の99ページに記載されている聖フランシスの平和の祈りの、「チャネル」について述べられている部分がそれを最もよく表現しています。私にとって、チャネル(相互コミュニケーションの流れ)は私と自分なりに理解する神との間の双方向のコミュニケーションを可能にします。私は問いかけ、耳を傾け、人生を歩んでいきます。私は感謝しています。



Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober, and alive, today.

"As a topic for this week I propose Step 11 and ask the question: How did you establish, maintain, and improve your relationship with God?"

Establish - When I finally wanted to be sober and knew I needed help to stay sober, I willingly and with an open mind went back to AA to be taught how to live without alcohol. I had allowed myself to be chased out of the rooms once before because God/prayer/spiritual program was thrown in my face in a not so kind way. This time, knowing that AA was a spiritual program, that they did the 'God-thing'... I now see that it was the God-I-wanted-nothing-to-do-with who was gently leading me back to where I needed to be. AA was my first higher power. I went to meetings and I listened. I heard about Good Orderly Direction and that got me talking to the universe... to whoever/whatever was out there. I learned the Serenity Prayer, but left the word God off the beginning. I listened to people who were staying sober share about their Higher Power... all kinds... and then I read Bill W's story about choosing one's own concept of God. I resonated with Creator, Great Spirit, Great Mystery... I ended up with God is love and I don't need to know all there is to know about Him in order to believe He exists.

Maintain - I didn't feel comfortable with the prayers used in our BB, so I just started talking to God - as I understood Him at the time. I read all kinds of spiritual books, daily meditations, continued to listen to others with an open mind. My sponsor, then and now, continues to counsel me to keep it simple. I don't have to use the words I'm not comfortable with... use my words and as long as they come from my heart, that's what's important. I do not do everything as our BB suggests... I was taught to take what works for me and leave the rest. As long as I am rigorously honest with myself, God and those who need to be in-the-know... my attitudes and behaviors will automatically tell me where I need to adjust and learn. Discernment is refined. It doesn't always feel good, but the process is necessary.

Improve - Today, I have a small inner circle of wise men and women who lovingly guide me as I continue down the path of sobriety. They do not berate or criticize when I stub my spiritual (or mental, or emotional) toes. I wholeheartedly believe that God speaks to me through other people, whether it be written or spoken. The Peace Prayer of St Francis that is provided for us on page 99 of the 12x12 says it best when it mentions a 'channel'. For me, a channel allows the flow of two-way communication between me and the God-of-my-understanding. I ask, I listen, I go forth into life. I am grateful.

And, I stay sober.

This is only my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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