ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
子供の頃からの私の "人生" というものの捉え方は、できる限り耐え忍ぶべきものだというものでした。被害者意識を持つ家族の中で育ったことで、何を見ても人生は不公平だというメッセージを感じていました。成長するにつれて、直感的に、その考えを打破して違うことをしようという態度を持ちましたが、どうすればいいのか分かりませんでした。そしてしまいには、かつては絶対になりたくないと思っていた自分になってしまい、行き詰まりました。
人生が崩れ落ちていく中で、その原因が何かよくわかっていました。(私も父と同じようにこの病気に屈して死にかけていました)。しかし、神は私を、アルコール依存症と闘っている他の仲間たちのもとに導いてくださいました。彼らは不思議なことに、その問題から抜け出す方法を見つけていたのです。AA(その時はまったく知りませんでした)の集まりに答えがあるかもしれないという話を聞きました。でも、私は興味を持ち ... 幸いなことにそれほどまでに絶望していたので ... 自分で確かめに行くことにしたのです。
Translator : yu
Hi ESH friends,
Thanks for being here for another meeting. Congrats to Susan.. and all celebrating sobriety! One day at a time this really works.
My perception of "life" from childhood.. was that it was something to be endured the best you could. Growing up in a family with victim mentality slanted my view - seeing the message that life wasn't fair at every turn. Instinctively, as I grew older I had the attitude that I was going to break out of that and do it differently. I just didn't know how. And then I became what I said I wouldn't and was stuck.
As my life was crumbling around me I knew full well the cause (I was succumbing and dying from this disease, as had my father)... and God steered me toward others who also struggled with alcoholic... but inexplicably .. had found a way out. I heard there may be some answers in the rooms of AA (something I didn't have a clue about). But I was curious.... and blessedly desperate enough... to go see for myself.
From my very first meeting... I saw a new vision of life for an alcoholic. The people sharing in that room on that Wednesday night spoke a language I understood. Yes, they'd felt the pain and misery I was living... but they had found a real, workable solution.. and they offered to share it with me.. free of charge?!?!!??! I chose that kind of life. I was hooked... and I still am.
Gratefully from muggy Florida,