Topic week of July 7, 2024. - Pam (2024/7/12)  [Home]

になってくれたのです。翌7月12日の朝、ユニオンタウンのコーヒーショップで、一緒にお茶をしようと誘ってくれたのです。私は車で街へ向かいました。店を見つけて、お茶と一緒に食事をしました。テックスは、言いました。私の家族・両親・妹がとても心配していて、私には助けが必要だと感じている、と。お茶を終えるとすぐに、私がコーヒーショップを出るように、すべてが動いていました。義理の妹が、駐車場で待っていて、テックスと私をカリストガのダフィーの家まで送ってくれました。子供たちが、面倒を見てくれることになるのでしょう。着替えは、3週間の滞在用に、5カートンと一緒に詰め込まれていました。次の質問に答えるため。「人生と神の恵みが、あなたを人生の選択に導いたと感じた瞬間は?」私たちは店を出て、テックスに「行かなかったらどうする?」と尋ねました。彼女は、「家に帰って荷物を開梱し、おそらく1年以内に、あなたの葬儀に参列することになるでしょう。」、と言いました。それは、私が彼女を信じて人生を選択した瞬間でした。この特別な瞬間を思い出してみると、私の人生が計り知れないほどの援助によって、どれほど幸運に展開されてきたかに、圧倒されずにはいられません。私の人生において、私のハイヤー パワーが、私に生き方を教えてくれた人々に感謝します。明日は、最後に飲んでから42年になります。今日一日、ありがとうございます。スーザン、おだやかな日々を。

Translator : mk

Good afternoon. I’m Pam, a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations Susan…two birthdays! And welcome newcomers to ESH and or Alcoholics Anonymous. Much of your post resonates with my past attitude and behavior. When I read your topic, immediately my memory resurrected that very moment when I chose life. Prior to that day, that moment, I had become outwardly reckless. I had run away a few times at night without any notice to my husband and spent the night at a motel in town. The last episode I took an unlicensed car we had in the garage, made sure I had a bottle with me, drove at excessive speed on the freeway, and crashed through a fence on the way home just after midnight. The car would not start. I was furious and had to walk home. I had a friend who ran a towing service along with auto repair. I called him and pleaded for him to haul the car to his shop. Never mind It’s early morning. Yes, amends aplenty later. Those two instances in particular and the emotional neglect of my children and husband…my world was crashing and I didn’t know how to fix it. On Sunday evening, July 11, 1982, Tex, the woman who had taken me to meetings and eventually became my sponsor, called and invited me to have coffee with her in the Uniontown coffee shop the next morning, July 12. I drove into town, found the restaurant, and we had some food along with coffee. Tex told me my family, parents and sister, were greatly concerned and felt I needed help. Everything was in motion for me to leave the coffee shop as soon as we finished our coffee, my sister in law was waiting in the parking lot to drive us, Tex and me, to Duffy’s in Calistoga. My children would be taken care of. Clothes had been packed along with 5 cartons of cigarettes for a three week stay. To answer the question…What was a moment when you saw life and grace led you to choose life? We walked out of the shop and I asked Tex, “What if I don’t go?” She said, “We’ll go home and unpack our bags and probably come to your funeral in a year.” That was the moment I believed her and chose life. No way can I recount this particular moment and not be overwhelmed with how very fortunate my life has unfolded with immense help. Grateful for the people my higher power allowed in my life to teach me how to live. As the years go by, I believe Tex being in my life was divinely inspired. Tomorrow will be 42 years since last drink. One day at a time… Thank you, Susan. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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