Discerning God's Will - Dominic (2024/9/10)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ



に頼る方がより良いのです。欲望や自分の意志は、いつも利己主義、自己中心性、その他の性格的破綻に戻ることになります。神さまの意志は、しばしばより成長を伸ばし、自意識の低下の性質を起こさせないことを要求することがあります。私は私たちのBig Bookから学びました。自分の意志を神さまの意志を合わせることが、自由意志の最高最善の使い方であるのです。私の経験は、これを証明します。間違いなく、神さまの意志は常に私にとって良いものです。一方、神の意志から逆らえず、自由意志に従って騙されることがしばしばあります。選択を考えると、自分にとって良いものだったとわかったとしても、実際には悪いものでした。正確にいうと、これがアルコホリックになった訳です。

神さまのやり方は、私のやり方ではないーだからこそ、私はステップ 3 の毎日の降伏 (委ねる) の祈りが、とても重要です。私はステップ3に取り組まなければなりません。しかし、






- よく言った! リック

Translator : kj

Good Afternoon ESH!

Thanks Ellen for chairing this week, and for your lead share and topic! Congratulations to anyone celebrating a sobriety milestone this week! Welcome to anyone new to ESH!

Topic: How do you know what God's will is for you? How do you choose what path to follow when one appears easy, and one appears more difficult (possibly with lessons to be learned)?

Dominic recovered alcoholic. When I came in, I had confusion on this one. How would I be able to discern what God’s Will is for me in any given situation. The answer did come as a I got my inner self in order as a result of the 12 steps. One day it dawned on me, to know God’s Will regularly, I needed to learn more about God and God’s character. Aligning my will with God’s involves deep trust. Just as I trust close friends, family, and sponsors with my personal stuff, I had to get to know these folks deeper to share trustworthy stuff with them.

For me, the idea that God’s Will is something I do that doesn’t require force doesn’t compute for me. My experience has been that God’s Will isn’t always easy, and not consistently comfortable. Yet it is a remarkable ride! My experience is that I can be sure that God’s Will often will conflict with my desire or wants (my will). Yet it is always, always the better and higher path than relying on myself solely, which always leads me back to selfishness, self-centeredness, and other character defects. God’s Will often stretches me to grow more and often requires me to move against my default lower-self nature. I’ve learned from our Big Book that aligning my will with God’s Will is the highest and best use of my free will. My experience proves this out. Undoubtedly, God’s Will is always good for me, whereas I’ve often been deceived acting on my free will unbridled from God, thinking a choice was good for me only to find out it was actually bad for me. It is accurate to say, for me, this is how I became an alcoholic.

God ways are not my ways--that is why I find my Step 3 daily surrender (alignment) prayers so important. I have to work at it, yet over my sobriety I have made progress in the direction of loving what God loves (many things), and hating what God hates (evil).

So, How do I know what God's will is for me?

God’s Will is always the opposite of my character defects including the ones God has removed. Also, as Susan mentioned, God’s Will is always me progressing in becoming the best version of myself in God’s eyes. It is to not harbor any resentments, do consistent inventories, and practice all our 12-step principles in all my affairs. To add to, not detract from peoples lives. To not major in the minors of life. To love others as God does. The beat of God’s Will is endless, always good. It is all about my having a full intention (commitment), purposeful action, and progress, not perfection nor mastery. It is a tall order as God in my experience is always calling me higher, not patting me on the back for how comfortable or good I am. Walking with God applying daily our 12-Step plan set me free and keeps me free, with good measures of spiritual fitness.

Dominic D.



- Well said! Rick

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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