Spiritual experience - Debbie (2024/10/8)  [Home]

今週のミーティングを始めてくれたマークに感謝します。私のホームグループでは、ちょうど『ビルはこう思う』からステップ12の箇所を読んで、霊的体験と霊的目覚めについての話をしたところでした。先週のテーマは「AWE 畏敬」でしたが、私の場合はステップ5を近所の牧師と行った時にその感覚を感じました。自分が特別な存在ではなく、過去を手放すことができたことを知り、教会を出た時に罪悪感や恥から解放され、仲間の一員になったと感じました。

Translator : yu

Thanks Mark for getting us started this week. In my home group, we just read step 12 from as bill sees it And it talked about the spiritual experience and spiritual awakening. . The topic last week was Ah and for me.I had that all when I did my fifth step with the pastor in my neighborhood. I found out I wasn't unique and.To let go of the past, when I left that rectory.I was finally free of the guilt and shame that held me back and I became a part of. I've had a few spiritual experiences or awakenings throughout my sobriety. These all have enabled me to work with others and share the spiritual experienceas a result of working all the steps. I've had another spiritual awakening when I learned.I couldn't fix manage or control anyone else. And realized each person has their own higher power and I wasn't it. This also set me free. If I keep working the steps, I will continue to have these spiritual awakenings or experiences. And if I keep going to meetings I will learn more.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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