Moment - Kitza (2023/12/28)  [Home]





Translator : kj

Hello all, Kitza an alcoholic and happy to be able to join the meeting. I have also had many "moments" that changed the course of my life. But the one that popped into my brain when I first read the topic was the first one I can recall that set the course of getting sober.

I had been drinking till the wee hours of the morning. I had a one year old and was a single parent. I was laying on the couch in the morning and woke up with an empty bottle on the floor.On the other side of the room was my baby, and she was sitting up crying.I have no idea how she even got in the room; I must have brought her down at some point.I couldn't move; I just stared at her and started crying myself.

I knew at that moment that I had to figure out a way to stop drinking. The look on my daughter's face stays with me and keeps me sober many years later. I am now able to have a close relationship with her as well as my grandchildren, only due to AA and my higher power.

Have a great day!!!!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

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