Topic: moment of clarity - Pam (2023/12/29)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
に来た仲間、歓迎します。この投稿の件名を入力していたとき、一文字違いで clarity(明瞭な) が charity(チャリティ、慈善)になることに気づきました。ある意味で、確かな贈り物です。

ジェフ、このテーマをくれてありがとう。そして、みんなの分かち合いもありがとう。ここで書いているとき、気づきの瞬間は何度かありました。その瞬間は再びあるでしょう。1982年7月12日の朝、確か月曜日の朝でした。私は、パティ・スー "テックス″・ブキャナンと会って、街のレストランでコーヒーを飲んでいました。ティクスは、数カ月前に私をミーティングに連れて行ってくれましたが、私はアルコールを飲み続けていて、行動はあからさまに家族に対して強迫的になっていました…アルコールを飲みながら、子どもを乗せて車の運転をしていました。たしか上の二人の子ども…フォード10歳、ケイト8歳…が、家庭生活がどのようなものであったか、話をしてくれました。あのとき、私たちは両親から受け継いだ畑の向かいに住んでいました。




Translator : kj

Hello, my name is Pam, and I am a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations to sobriety celebrants and welcome to people new to ESH. When I was typing the subject line for this post, I noticed that one letter difference lets clarity become charity. And in a way it was…is…definitely a gift.

Jeff, thank you for this topic and your share. When writing here I have mentioned that clarity moment more than once, and shall do so again. The morning of July 12, 1982, a Monday morning to be exact, I met Patty Sue “Tex” Buchanan for coffee at a restaurant in town. Tex had taken me to meetings for a few months before, but I continued to drink and my behavior was overtly becoming threatening to my family…driving with kids when I’d been drinking. And I’m quite sure my older two kids…Ford 10 and Kate 8…had stories of what their home life was like. At that time we lived across the field from my parents.

That morning Tex and I settled in to talking. She told me my family, parents and sister, were concerned for me and my behavior could have a bad outcome. Then she told me life didn’t have to be this difficult. Your family has arranged, it’s all set…your sister in law and Marilyn are waiting in the parking lot to drive us to Duffy’s. She assured me my kids and husband would be cared for.

We walked out of the restaurant and I asked her, “what if I don’t go?” (There was a distraction: I remember seeing a moth that had been crushed between the phone receiver and cradle) She answered with, “We’ll go home, unpack our suitcases, and probably come to your funeral in a year.” That was it…simple choice…life or death. No reason to doubt her word.

Total surrender. Life began anew from then on…that was the moment that changed my life forever, to follow directions toward a better way of living. Step one every day…the power greater…all of it…brings me to today. Happy rest of holidays to us all. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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