』を書いた後、まだ、立ち退きや無収入に苦しんでいましたが、奇妙なことにそのことで、どこか慰められているような気がします......)しかし、私にとってAAの最も重要な約束と贈り物は、「最初の一杯を飲まなければ、酔うことはない」ということです。それはつまりこういうことです。AAはとりわけ、お酒をやめたい人のためのものであり、私が酒をやめ続ける手助けをしてくれる、ということです。残りのすべて 〜 霊的な目覚め、恐れずに道徳的棚卸しをすること、個人の回復よりもAAの一体性を優先させること、 約束を果たすこと 〜 は一日一日、最初の一杯を手に取らないという土台の上に成り立っています。それらはケーキの上の装飾(付加価値)なのです。Onward,Mark
Translator : yu
Greetings all: I’m Mark and I’m an alcoholic. Thanks for the topic of the gifts of AA, Nancy. At a meeting recently someone was mentioning there’s promises throughout the steps, not just the 9th step promises that are often read at meetings. For me, many, maybe all of the promises mentioned in AA have come true. Some, of the issues, like fear of financial insecurity, seem to come and go (and of course in early AA history after writing the Big Book, some of the early AA’s still struggled with being evicted and having no income, which oddly is comforting somehow…). But the most important promise and gift of AA for me has been the revelation that if I don’t pick up that first drink, I won’t get drunk. It boils down to that. AA is specifically for people who want to stop drinking and to help them stay stoped. All the rest— spiritual awakenings, fearless moral inventories, putting AA unity slightly ahead of individual recovery, fulfilling promises— is built on the foundation of not picking up that first drink, one day at a time. It’s icing on the cake. Onward, Mark