Re: ESH Topic of the Week- October 6, 2024 - Ellen (2024/10/11)  [Home]
Re: 10月6日の週のトピック




ある晩、次の朝目覚めたくないと思いながら寝ました。アルコールが私を連れて行ってくれることを(死を)願っていましたが、そうはなりませんでした。目覚めたとき、私がどれほど人生に対して感謝していなかったかということに気づきました。また、飲み続けることへの欲望もありませんでした。その時は気づいていなかったのですが、希望の贈り物を与えられたのです。AAが私に、飲まずに生きる方法を教えてくれることになりました。彼らは神のことを通じて、彼らがどのようにそれを実現したのかを示してくれました。そして、12番目のステップでそれが起こると明確に書かれていました。私は希望を与えられました…飲むのをやめられるという希望…人生がそんなに苦痛である必要はないという希望…これらのステップに従うだけで、スピリチュアルな希望があるということです。それからしばらくして、長年の経験を持つ仲間の誰かが、これが私のスピリチュアルな目覚めであると言ってくれました。私の場合は、そのようなことは起こりませんでした。これらのステップを踏んだ後、ステップは私の継続的な目覚めの一部となり、スピリチュアルな成長が私のしらふの人生の残りの間、日々の常であり続けることになるのです。私はその仲間と口論しました。なぜなら、私はまだそのステップを「実行」していなかったからです。彼らは私に567ページ(付録II. 霊的体験)を読むように言いました。「霊的体験」と「霊的目覚め」という言葉は、この本の中で何度も使われており、注意深く読むと、




Sober Date 2003年1月21日

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Topic: "How do you keep the spiritual experience/awakening fresh?"

I live it.

I went to bed one night, not wanting to wake up the next morning, hoping alcohol would take me. It didn't. What I woke up with was an awareness of how ungrateful I was for life. I also had no desire to continue drinking. Without knowing it at the time, I was given the gift of hope. Alcoholics Anonymous was going to show me how to live life without drinking... they were going to show me how they did this by doing the God-thing... and, it was Step Twelve that told me IN WRITING, IN BLACK AND WHITE, that this was going to happen... I was given hope... hope that I could stop drinking... hope that life didn't need to be so painful... that there was hope in the spiritual... if I were to only follow these steps. It was some time later that someone with many years told me that this was my spiritual awakening. It didn't happen for me AFTER taking these steps, the steps were going to be part of my continued awakening, with spiritual growth to remain a constant throughout the rest of my sober life, one day at a time. I argued with this person because I hadn't 'worked' the steps as of yet. They had me read page 567, Spiritual Experience: "The terms “spiritual experience” and “spiritual awakening” are used many times in this book which, upon careful reading, shows that the personality change sufficient to bring about recovery from alcoholism has manifested itself among us in many different forms."

As I was introduced to my Higher Power in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous, it became very clear to me that the God-of-my-new-understanding had been there all along. I just hadn't wanted to believe it and that is what led me to the bottom of a bottle and wanting to die. Those gifts He granted me that morning changed the direction of my life. If I am to honor those gifts, keep those gifts... stay sober... then I am to live my life fulfilling the remainder of Step Twelve: "...carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all [my] affairs." Prayer, meditation, gratitude, relying on my Creator for guidance in my life, being of service to others both in and outside of AA, and caring for myself as a Child of God. I wouldn't have this life if I wasn't willing to do these things, if I was still trying to believe God out of existence... and I wouldn't be able to stay sober.

Two face-to-face meetings I attend regularly are a Big Book study and a Newcomers meeting. They both keep me connected to the basics of living a spiritual and thus, a sober life.

This is only my experience, yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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