ESH-share on topic - Louise (2023/12/22)  [Home]


「私たち (WE)」という言葉は、私のような内向的な人にとっては好ましいものではありません。それについて深く理解するまでは、私は自分がその一員だったことを知りませんでした。私は一人で暮らすのが平気だし、大勢の前で話を(それがAAや回復に関することであれば)することも出来ますが、「世間話」をするのには苦労しています。

私が住んでいるこの場所(老人ホーム)では、社交をすることや食事をダイニングルームでとることが難しいです。普段は食事を自分の部屋に持っていきます。私は自分のことを、社交的に障害を持っていると言っています。なので、私は AAに参加した時には、神様に助けを求めなくてはならなかったし、なんでも自分一人で出来るし、他の人の助けは必要ないという自分の心を変えてくれるように、あるいはそういった古い考えに固執しないように、神様にお願いしなければなりませんでした。私にはどれほど仲間の皆さんの助けが必要かを理解するのに、それほど時間はかかりませんでした。以前にも触れたことがありますが、他のアルコホリックの


テキサスから愛を込めて、メーリークリスマス!(フランス語で Joyeux Noel)

Translator : yu

Thank you, Dave, for chairing this week and for being a faithful friend! My name is Louise, recovered alcoholic, and my sobriety date is June 30, 1972.

The word "WE" is not a favorite one for an introvert such as I. I didn't know that I was one of those 'til I read up about it. I qualify as I am okay living alone, I can speak to a crowd (as long as it's about A.A. and recovery) but I have trouble with "chit-chat".

Here where I live (senior-living), it is difficult to socialize or to even eat in the dining-room. I usually bring my food up to my room. I say that I am socially-handicapped. So, I had to ask God's help when I came to Alcoholics Anonymous, ask Him to change my mind and not hang on to my old ideas which told me that I could do everything myself and didn't need anyone's help. It didn't take me too long a time before I understood how very much I needed y'all. I've mentioned it before, sponsoring other alcoholics was just perfect for me as I learned more from them than they might have ever learned from me. I never chit-chatted with them as we usually kept it to sharing about A.A., about God, and about "which Step they were currently on"?

Sponsoring taught me a lot, including how to listen. Listening is an art which I didn't have before A.A. I was always too busy thinking or day-dreaming. A.A. did not change me into an extrovert but it gave me a sense of purpose and hopefully, made me into a better person.

Merry Christmas Joyeux Noel from Texas with love!

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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