Topic: From Me to We - Suanne (2023/12/24)  [Home]



私はいつ「私たち (We)」になったのでしょう?それはおそらく、私が底をついて、治療センターで立ち直ったときだと思います。なぜなら、そこで私は
をうまく実践できないことになる、とも教わりました。しかし … 私は頑固だったので、提案された通りに全てをやったと言えたらいいのですが、実際にはその一部しかできませんでした。そして、私も他の多くの仲間たちと同様に、当然ながら上手くはいかないであろう近道を探そうとしました。




Translator : yu

Hi all,

My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thanks, Dave, for leading our meeting and for your service to our group.

When did I become WE in my life? I guess when I hit bottom and bounced back up in the treatment center I went to. Because that is where I heard the message, the solution to alcoholism. That's where I got the education about our disease. I knew I was alcoholic but because I was a closet alcoholic, I didn't know what to do about it. I didn't know there were other people out there just like me. So when I found "my people" and was taught about the program, surrendered to God (my understanding of Him), I was on cloud 9. I was taught I needed others in my life to teach me the program, but then those same people couldn't very well perform their program if they didn't have anyone to carry the message to. But... I'm hard headed and wish I could say I did everything just like they told me to and all that, and some of it did but I, like many others, tried to find shortcuts which didn't work of course.

I stayed kinda on the edge of the AA groups until my dog got sick. He had been my best friend and I almost missed out on going to the treatment center because of him. He'd loved me unconditionally but when he got sick, I literally ran to the meetings. And it was at that point that I had to let others in, drop the walls I'd kept, and I had to let you in or I was gonna drink. Funny thing was, I knew he wouldn't have wanted me to drink. He was there for the part of my life that I needed him, but now God used him to reach out to others, and to let God in further. I was never so thankful for those people who asked me to go to lunch after the meeting, and started really welcoming me into the rooms. They'd never done anything to keep me out. It was my trust issues that kept them away. I chaired a meeting and told them I had never done it before and instead of making fun of me or crititicizing me, they said "we are the best group to learn on." I'd been doing online AA in a women's group and considered it my home group, but I couldn't talk in a meeting. They were patient with me and allowed me to grow. I found my people, my family and took service positions. The meeting became MY meeting.

I love AA and the life it has given me. Everything I have, I owe to AA. I am so so grateful for all of you! Thanks for keeping me sober!

Suanne G

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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