Right Away - George (2023/10/25)  [Home]

の最初の頃、ある週末の朝にこんなことがありました。私は娘のシェリーに「自分が間違っていた」を3回も言ってしまいました。その正直さと謙虚さを回避したいと思い (照れくさいということか?) 、私は娘に言いました。「父さんが "自分が間違っていた" と言うことに、あなたはもう飽き飽きしていないかい?」

「いいえ!」それが彼女の正直な、即座の、自己主張の強い返事でした。あイタたた ...。

が、ステップ10の「直ちに (promptly) 」という言葉の意味を知りたがっていました。「そうだね」と私は言いました。「それは、自分が間違っていることに気づいたらすぐにという意味だよ」



である私をクビにしました。彼は私を絶対に避けていますが、私が出ないミーティングには出席していると聞いています。彼にとっては良いことでしょう。やはり私はそんなに (4日間) 長くは待てないし、他の仲間にもそうするようにアドバイスはしませんね。それが自分には効果があったやり方です。

Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Margie, for chairing. I agree: Being willing to accept I am wrong means I can be ever grateful for so many things that have occurred although I recall in my early sobriety on a weekend morning, I had told my daughter, Shelley, "I was wrong" three separate times. Wishing to avoid that honesty and humility, I said to her, "Aren't you getting tired of my saying I was wrong?"

"No!" was her honest, instant, assertive reply. Ouch.

A fellow I sponsored wanted to know what the word "promptly" meant in Step 10. "Well," I said, "it means as soon as you become aware of your being wrong."

"I don't want to say it too soon," he said. "How about waiting four days?"

"No, I don't think promptly means waiting ninety-six hours."

At that very instance, the fellow fired me as his sponsor. Although he absolutely avoids me, I've been told he attends meetings I don't attend. Good for him. I still couldn't wait that long and wouldn't advise others to do so, either. And that's the way it works for me.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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