最近、私の知り合いの何人かからこんな話を聞きました。彼らは、最新の医学報告書の「少量のアルコールも体に良くない」というのを読み、「赤ワインを1杯か2杯飲むのが健康に良い」という考えは絵空事であることを知り、しばらくお酒を飲まないことにしたそうです。彼らは気分が良くなったと言っています! 体重も少し減ったかもしれない! それに、そんなに落ち込まなくなったとも言っています。そして、彼らはAAミーティングに参加したり、埋め合わせをしたり、神様のことを話したりすることなく、それをやり遂げているのです。
先週、私はAAに戻ってきて(たったの)12年を祝いました — 長い間続けている仲間たちに比べれば、ほんのわずかの期間に過ぎません。私は、少しだけコントロールして飲んでみるというアドバイスを試すことに決めた不運な一人でした。そしてしばらくの間、それが何となくできるように見えました。しかし、その後、AAに戻るまでに20年かかりました。戻ってきて本当に良かったと思っています。
Translator : yu
Hi all:
I’m Mark and I’m an alcoholic who isn’t drinking today and intend not to drink again. But it is a daily reprieve and thinking “I’ll never, ever drink again” isn’t helpful for this alcoholic.
Thanks Pam for the great topic and congrats on all those +15,300 24 hours! One day at a time does add up.
Lately I’ve been hearing from several folks I know who have been reading about all the new reports saying no amount of alcohol is good for you, the idea that a glass or two of red wine is healthy is a myth, and who have decided they aren’t going to drink for a while. They feel better! The maybe even loose some weight! They aren’t so depressed. And they do it without having to go to AA meetings and make amends and talk about God and stuff like that.
It amazes me since I couldn’t stay sober for any length of time without AA and all the cool tools we’ve got in our program for living. They may or may not be alcoholic or have had some degree of alcohol use disorder— that’s not for me to say.
But when they talk about being alcohol free, one thing I always hear them say is “It doesn’t mean I will never drink again. Maybe at a wedding or special event.”
And I say, “I don’t know if I’ll never drink again either,” and they look at me because obviously if I’m in AA, I’m never supposed to ever drink again, right?
I know the prospect of never, ever drinking again when I came into AA seemed impossible, but early on people said, “we’re just not drinking today. Can you do that?” And I could.
Last week I celebrated a mere 12 years back in AA— a few drops in the bucket compared to so many of you long-timers. I was one of those poor unfortunates who decided to take the advise of trying a little controlled drinking, and for a while it seemed that I kinda, sorta could. But then it took me 20 years to find my way back to AA. Mighty glad I did.
So, today I haven’t had a drink and so far so good. The day is almost over and who knows what tomorrow will bring. Luckily, I don’t have to worry about that now.