ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
に感謝します。AA バースデーおめでとう!!!
その一因は、私が歳をとって少しノスタルジックになってきたからかもしれません。それについて考えることもありますが、それはまた別の日にお話ししますね (^^ 不安が大きくなりすぎる時には、これまでに身につけたAAの道具を思い出すようにしています……心配することは、まるでロッキングチェアのようなものです……たくさん考えるけれど、何も進みません……未来を予測することが無意味で、時には非常に有害であることを私はよく知っています……自分の信仰がどれほど強いのか自問し……再び心を落ち着かせて、神が全てを見守っていることを思い出します。
Translator : yu
Great topic, Laurie.. and thanks for your service here at ESH. Happy AAnniversary!!!!!
None of us escape change in life. There've been so many changes and I'm grateful for AA's tools to accept the things I cannot change, living one day at a time.
Looking in the rear view mirror at how I've handled some of the bigger changes in my life, I don't think I've done terribly. As I've grown in faith in my Higher Power, God and Holy Spirit... I have a deeper sense of how little I can control.
Having said that.... and not to delve into any outside issues or politics, I will say that I'm finding that spurts of fear creep up... more so than at any other time I remember in my life.
Part of that may be that I'm getting older and maybe more nostalgic. I have some thoughts about that... but I'll leave them for another day (^^ When it gets too uncomfortable, I remind myself of tools I've picked up along the way.... worrying is like a rocking chair... gives you plenty to do but doesn't get you anywhere... knowing full well that projection is useless and can be very harmful.... asking myself how strong my faith really is.... getting centered again and remembering that God has this.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the meeting this week.
Peace & love from soggy South Florida.... praying for those in the path of Debby.