ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
が、私に「物事」を成し遂げる力を与えてくれました。そして、その「物事」は他の人から見ても価値あるものだったようです。初めのころ、こう言われました。「神は朝食に必要なすべてのもの … 卵、ベーコン、パンケーキを与えてくれるけれど、料理の腕はひどいものだ。だから、自分で料理しなければならない。」この言葉は、私に強い印象を残しました。最初の
がなければ不可能だったでしょう。(^^ 教室での時間、そしてその後、新たな道を追求するために教職を離れた後も、すべてが多くの面で実りあるものでした。何かの評価を受けたときは、ただ「ありがとう」と言いました。皆さん、ご自愛ください。平安を…
Translator : yu
Good afternoon. Pam C., a grateful alcoholic. Congratulations sobriety celebrants and welcome people new to ESH. Thank you, Lin, for leading our meeting this week and your ongoing faithful service the ESH. Knowing that my present life would not have happened without steps 1 through 12…practice these principles in all our affairs…I can only claim partial credit. The HP that has always been with me, and I didn’t honestly acknowledge until quitting drinking, has given me the tools to be able to do “things” that others have seen worthy of recognition. I was told early on, “God can give you all you need for breakfast…eggs, bacon, pancakes, but He/She can’t cook worth s..t. You have to do the cooking.” That made a definite impression. With immense help from my first sponsor and my family, Tuesday Women's meeting, being a single parent to my three kids, returning to school, becoming a high school English teacher, and serving on some not-for-profit boards…all required deliberate action. Action that would not have been possible without the 12 steps as life guide.(^^ My time in the classroom and after leaving that to pursue other avenues have all been rewarding in many ways. When there was recognition, I said thank you. Stay well everyone. Peace…