Re: Meeting for Sunday, 7/9 TOPIC - Ellen (2023/7/15)  [Home]
Re: 7月9日(日)のミーティングのトピック


?それはあまりわかりません。私は自分の人生で満足したことは一度もありません。あきらめて戦うことをやめました、でもそれは決して満足ではありません。時々、その言葉の意味さえ分からなくなります。だから... 辞書で調べてみました。幸福、満足、それ以上必要としないこと。 他にももっと多くの類義語があると思います。

今日感じたのは、「ホッとした」ということです。酒を飲むのをやめるずっと前からあって、そしてアルコールが止めてくれていた痛み ー 絶望的な痛みに耐える必要がなくなったということにホッとしました。解決の方法を学ぶために AA に戻ったことにホッとしました。今日、お酒を飲む必要性を感じないことにホッとし、不幸を和らげようとして、これ以上不幸を作り出す必要がないことにホッとしています。私は進むべき道、土台、

が私の心を導いてくれると信じています ... 酒を手に取って、すべてを台無しにする必要を感じることはないでしょう。

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. Very grateful to be sober, today.

Contented sobriety? I'm not too sure about that. I have never been content my whole life. I have given up and stopped fighting, but that is not contentment, by any means. Sometimes, I'm not even sure I know the meaning of the word. So... I looked it up in the dictionary. Happy, satisfied, not needing more. I'm sure there are many more synonyms.

What I do feel today is, relieved. Relieved that I don't need to endure the pain of hopelessness - that pain that alcohol stopped relieving long before I stopped drinking. Relieved that I made it back to Alcoholics Anonymous to learn about the solution. Relieved that I don't feel the need to drink today and relieved that I don't need to create more misery in an effort to relieve that misery. I have been blessed with a way forward, a foundation, a design for living as our Big Book describes our life without alcohol. Today, I have hope.

There are moments throughout my days where I am aware of possibly experiencing contentment... sometimes they last longer than at other times. Usually those moments are more of a lack of fear than anything else. I watch and listen to those around me who exhibit noticeable contentment and I learn. As long as I focus on spiritual principles, humility and gratitude... today, I have faith that my Higher Power will continue to guide my heart and mind and maybe, just maybe... I won't feel the need to pick up a drink and ruin it all.

Thank you for letting me share.
Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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