Re: Topic for Week of 9/17/23 - Ellen (2023/9/23)  [Home]
Re: 9月17日のトピック







Translator : mk

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. Very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

I don't remember a lot of the detail in my Ninth Step. I do remember sitting at my sponsor's kitchen table and discussing each person, each amends, each solution. She did have me delete a lot of the names I had written about. Who all was left, I no longer remember... I didn't keep the list after we were done. Not too long ago, I did ask her about needing to go back and revisit that Ninth Step because of the effects of the brain tumor. She told me it wasn't necessary. She was confident the list we had made at the time had been dealt with appropriately, at the time. If there was anyone/anything that still needed to be taken care of, God would make it known and we would deal with it then, not to worry. Continue to live by the Tenth Step, stay sober, and live life.

I do remember her focus on 'living amends'. Even after making direct amends, living amends would continue for my lifetime.

In the beginning, I was more fearful of this Ninth Step than I was the Fourth Step that a lot of people in the rooms had shared about being afraid of... I couldn't figure out why they were afraid of THAT one and not the ninth one. Thank goodness for the order in which the steps are outlined! Not only would I have not been willing (or thorough!) to go through these steps without the strength and guidance of a Higher Power... and in order... I also needed the experience and wisdom of my sponsor. None of these steps were as bad as I thought! Not easy, for sure... but, definitely doable.

I have been blessed literally every step of the way. This is only my experience. Yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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