On Topic - Habits - Suanne (2023/10/14)  [Home]
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私のこの頃の趣味は、若い頃と同じではありません。事実、若い人たちのように期待しないでください…ドラムロール! (さて何でしょう?)、私は若くはないのです。昔のような体調ではないのです。昔のようにフルタイムで働けないし、コンサートは就寝時間を過ぎているという理由で、行きません。私の興味は多少かわりました。わかるよね、それでいいんだって。


数カ月後に夫の定年退職が近づいています。より一緒の時間をもてるので、同じことをするでしょう。(もし夫が私のリモコンを離してくれたら…笑)あることは、残し続けるでしょうし、またあることは、残さないでしょう。変わらないことは一つあります。結婚して一日の始まりに一緒に平穏の祈りを捧げることです。他のことにも祈りは続けています。神と意識的なふれあいを持つ必要があります。夫より神とふれあうことの方がより良い場合があるのです。私たちはピクルスボールの話をしました(もうラケットを手に入れました。)テレビスクリーンで見るより、孫たちが直接スポーツするのを見に行くことについても話していました。感謝しています。孫たちを見ることができ、今はゲームチェンジャーで見ることができます。しかし、実際に試合を見るのが待ちきれません。私たちには4組の子どもたちがいますが、誰も町に住んでいません。 子どもたちはテキサスに住んでいるんですが、知っての通りテキサスは広いのです!(笑)主人が朝4時に出発することがなくなるので、私たちにとってより良い時間が持てるように、私たちは新しい




スアン G
Date of Sober 2001/6/20

Translator : kj

Hi all

My name is Suanne and I am an alcoholic. Thank you Deb for leading the meeting this week and for your service to our group.

My habits these days are not the same as they were in earlier years. I don't really expect them to be...drumroll, I'm older! I'm not in the physical condition as I used to be, I don't work full time like I used to, I don't go to concerts because they are past our bedtime, and my interests have changed somewhat. You know, that's just okay with me.

In early sobriety, I made it a mission to find out what "I" liked rather than doing what other people liked since I lived alone and was in no relationship. I learned to dove hunt and drive a 4 wheeler, took horseback riding lessons, took pottery lessons and traveled to Colorado and to Maine by myself. I figured out what foods I liked and what I didn't.

I suspect with retirement of my hubby coming up in a couple months, we will do the same since we will have more time together (IF he leaves my remote control alone.... LOL). There are some things which we will keep and some things we won't. One thing that has stayed the same is having a committed and loving marriage where we start our day off praying the serenity prayer together and praying about other things going on. I need to make conscious contact with God and who better to do it with than my hubby. We've talked about playing pickle ball (got our rackets now) and going to see the grandkids play sports in person rather than on a tv screen. I'm grateful that we can watch them now on gamechanger, but cant wait to see the games in person. We have 4 sets of kids and no one lives in town. They are in Texas but all over Texas and as you know, Texas is big! LOL. We have committed to find a new homegroup so that the times will be better for us since hubby won't be leaving at 4 a.m. anymore. Will I still work my two days a week? Probably but I"m open to whatever God shows me. We've got lots of home projects to do, some I can help with and some I plan to be "working" when they are going on. Ha! I have always said I'm staying in my PRN job until God has something else for me to do.

I still have habits to work on like a food plan and we plan to start walking the dogs when and if it ever cools off. The heat is stifling at times and the dogs can't handle walking on the hot street. The older I get, the less I can tolerate the heat but we are fixing to be cooling off so no more excuses.

I also participate in an online women's group which I really enjoy and plan to keep that up. I need some routine in my life which is really synonymous with habits.

I hope everyone has had a great week.

Suanne G
DOS 6-20-01

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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