Topic share habits - Lin (2023/10/15)  [Home]

皆さん、こんにちは。私は、アルコホーリックのリン チェンバレンです。
、ヒューストン在住のパッツィー F 氏が亡くなり、ショックで深く悲しんでいます。

88歳の人生で45年のソーバーでした。彼女は、AA・アラノン・OAの多くの仲間(男女問わず)にとっての導きの光でした。彼女が亡くなって、さみしいです。安らかに逝きました。彼女は、ウィスコンシン州の家族のところで脳卒中を起こし、数日はもったので、家族が最後に集まって看取ることができたのです。では、始めましょう。習慣…。今回も、ルイーズ Cに賛成です。初めのころ、最大の習慣は、AAに積極的に関わることでした。私・子供たちと孫たちの人生、12人のみんなの人生は、すべてがAAとともにあるのです。








リン チョーストン テキサス州アメリカ

Translator : mk

Hi all. My name is Lin Chamberlain and I am an alcoholic. I am sober today and since my first meeting on May 20, 1985 and for that personal miracle I am truly grateful. Welcome to all newcomers to AA or to ESH and congrats to all those celebrating milestones this week. I first want to tell you that I am in shock and deeply mourning the death of my precious sponsor Patsy F of Houston.

88yrs/45yrs sober...she was a guiding light to many women and men in Houston AA/Alanon/OA. She will be missed. She exited peacefully after a stroke while visiting family in Wisconsin and was able to hang in there a few days to allow her family to gather and surround her with love at the end. Not a bad way to go.Habits....I agree with Louise C as usual...the biggest habit I've had since the first, was to be actively involved in Alcholics Anonymous. Everything in my life and my children's lives, grandson's lives, and 12 greats live's has been based in and on my involvement in AA.

My first sponsor was able to guide me to see my worst defects and how they effected me. She was able to guide me past the pitfalls of self help.... I came in once with a great idea I saw somewhere to put ping pong balls in a fish globe with defects written on them and pull out one a week to work on. She wanted to know where the God was in that BS. LOL She made it clear that we ASK God and he helps us replace them with better working tools. WOW. I'm still not in charge of my recovery.

1. I do some routine things because they allow me to function at a calmer pace in God's world.

I have my coffee and read my meditation readings in the morning… slowly and deliberately listening to what I am reading...then I say the 3rd Step Prayer aloud so I can hear it. When I notice anger, resentment,fear....I see it at a clue that there is something wrong with me… usually I think God has gone for a nap and someone else has taken over. Some more BS...never happens. Once I get back in the right frame of mind and know that God is directing everything and nothing will prevent me from doing his will if I don't get sidetracked;...I am ok once again.

2. I either talk with, text with, or email with several alcoholics a day.

It keeps me in touch with my God with skin on and it is amazing how much God guides me through the people who contact thinking THEY NEED something from me.

3. I make a meeting everyday.
4. I continue to hold small service jobs in AA.
5. I do other miscellaneous services in AA and in the world.
6. I attempt to do inventory of any upsets at the close of my day, so I know if I need to make amends or amend my behavior.
7.I do not apologize for my relationship with God or AA.
8. I use my full name and sobriety date when I speak because I was taught to do that and it's worked way too long to quit now.

And that's how it works for me.

Lin CHouston, TxUSA

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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