Topic week of October 8 - Pam (2023/10/15)  [Home]

ESHExperience, Strength, and Hope - 経験と力と希望グループ
またはAAに来られた方、歓迎します。習慣?毎日、毎週、毎月、古い、新しい、良い、悪い…そして、その間にあるすべてのもの。何よりもまず 、アルコールを止めなければならなかったし、毎日AAの


皆さんお元気でいてください。 平和を…

Translator : kj

Hello. I’m Pam, a grateful alcoholic happy to be at this meeting. Congratulations to anyone marking a particular time without a drink and welcome to people new to ESH and/or AA. Habits? Daily, weekly, monthly, old, new, good, bad…and all in between. First and foremost drinking had to go and has remained gone with living AA’s twelve steps every day. A plus that followed quitting drinking was becoming an emotionally present parent to my three children then ages 4, 8, and 10. Four years after quitting drinking, the last cigarette happened using our 12 steps. (When I read Louise’s post, I agreed that quitting smoking was more difficult than stopping drinking.) My first sponsor told me early on, they will both kill you, but the booze will get you first.

A few things I do daily… I treat myself to freshly ground drip or French press coffee every morning, walk across the back yard to put seed in a feeder, check to see my neighbor across the street has opened her blinds, and at 8:00pm, since late March 2020, walk with a conch out to the front of the house where I join with neighbors and strangers up the street to howl and blow the conch for two minutes. 8:02 we’re done. If people walk by, some howl and if they have a dog, the dog sometimes joins in, too. (^^ We started this as a tribute to the medical community caring for Covid patients. A great feeling of community and so we continue. Enough from me. Thank you Debra for bringing habits as this week’s topic.

Stay well everyone. Peace…

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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