Whose fault is tt? - George (2023/10/18)  [Home]

の助けが必要だということを意味します。Gus (Guy or Gal Up Stairs - 高次の存在) がいなければ、私は "口論" と "次の一杯" を探すだけの、ただの酔っ払いにしかすぎません。

二つ目のトピックについて、私はビジネスミーティングやAAの役割から遠ざかっています。というのも、過去にグループで3つの役割に就いていた時に、多くの混乱と意見の相違を経験したからです。私は、自分のエゴの欲求のために、これらの混乱を引き起こしてしまったことを学びました。私は忠実な "しもべ" であり続けるのがベストなのです。

Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Lisa, for chairing. If the world seems blah, it's not the world's fault. It is my perception of the world, fully and totally. Thus, I have chosen to see the world as being blah although it is far from being so in reality. When I am feeling negatively, AA principles have taught me to seek something positive. Positivity in my world means I need the help of my higher power. Without Gus (Guy or Gal Up Stairs) in my life, I am but another drunk, looking for two things: An argument and my next drink.

As to the second topic, I stay away from business meetings and seeking AA office because I know that in the past, when I had a position in three of my groups, there seemed to be much confusion and disagreement. I learned I had caused both of those things due to the needs of my ego. It is best I remain a loyal servant.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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