ESH Topic for week of 8 October - Tony (2023/10/15)  [Home]





・「12&12」・「The Language of the Heart」・「アルコホーリクス アノニマス 成年に達する」・「ビルはこう思う」など、オリジナルの書籍で内容を確かめてみるのです。「後でやろう」でなく、「すぐやろう」という習慣ができました。「平安の祈り」・「第3ステップの祈り」・「第7ステップの祈り」・「聖フランシスコの祈り」などのお祈りが、私のお祈りの習慣になりました。



最近身についた悪い習慣は、「経験と力と希望」グループの「Reach Week」を分かち合いしないことです。まぁ、「Reach Week」に参加するかは、そのうち分かります。一緒にいてくれて、ありがとう。

安らかで穏やかにお過ごしください。 トニー

Translator : mk

Greetings All

Thanks for leading us this week, Debbie and for your topic. Congratulations to all with an anniversary, or other milestone, this week. I'm Tony a recovered alcoholic, grateful to be with you again this week.

More often than not, I perform my AA necessities, I can say . . .more, confidently, resulting from habit.

The 'nots' are getting fewer as time goes by. If I miss something on the due date, like studying my 'Daily Reflection' I have developed the habit of catching up, by studying more than one, ASAP.

By studying, I mean - I check the source of the comment from in the appropriate original literature - the Big Book, 12 and 12, or Language of the Heart, AA Comes of Age, ABSI, or other source. The habit change has resulted from promptness, - doing it now, opposed to ' I'll do it later'. Several prayers - like the Serenity Prayer, Step Three and step Seven prayer, plus the St Francis Prayer have become part of my regular routine.

The 12 and 12, has become more important to me over time, since it's crammed with questions - making me spend time on the answer. The Big Book Step 11 at the beginning and end of each day - has become the ' top and tail' of my day. This step also has many questions which I should answer.

My AA habits resulted from time spent smoking. We had a home rule: that I would not smoke in the house, since my wife was not a smoker. Each day, come rain or shine, I would sit outside on the patio with my literature and a notepad. The smoking habit stopped due to a talk I heard at an AA speaker meeting - but that's another story.

The bad habit I have developed lately, is not sharing my ESH reach week. Well - time will tell if I attend to this one. Thanks for being here for me again.

Peace and Serenity - Tony

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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