Re: Topic Week of 10/15/23 - Nancy (2023/10/19)  [Home]
Re: 10月15日の週間トピック






ナンシー ショー

Translator : mk

I'm Nancy and I'm alcoholic.

"What to do when everything seems blah, and directionless?"

I'm pretty sure all of us have felt this way at some time. It used to be a trigger to drink. Recently, I've noticed, for me, it's often a physical cause. I'm hungry or thirsty. I didn't sleep well. My old-lady body is achy. Other causes can be frustration and inability to fix other people's situations, so I shrug my shoulders and feel helpless.

Basically, I don't let myself get too far into that bad place any more. I try to work my program. If I see the signs that I'm starting to feel blah, I do something/anything! I have a basic routine and that helps. I'll take a walk, go to the Rec Center, meet a friend for lunch, read (I've become fascinated with my family's heritage), sit on the porch and listen to the birds, just anything. Keeping in touch with my AA friends and working my program are very important to my well-being.

In another week, I'll celebrate my bellybutton birthday. In another month, I hope to celebrate another sobriety birthday. My life is so good and I feel so blessed by my Higher Power. I redefined spirituality. I'm grateful to every person I've met in AA, whether they stayed sober or not. I keep studying and learning.

Thanks for letting me share.
Nancy Shaw

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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