Re: ESH lead week of 10/29/23 - Ellen (2023/11/4)  [Home]
Re: 10月29日の週のリード


ありがとう、マイク、テーマを出してくれて。私自身にメッセーが運ばれた経験は…波瀾万丈なものです。アルコホリックアノニマスについて知っていたたった一つのことは、できればもうアルコールを飲みたくないという人が行くところ、ということでした。ユタ州のプロボにあるセントラルオフィスは、直接私を女性ミーティングに案内してくださいました。私の最初のミーティング、自己紹介の後、大声で言いました。私は自分をアルコホリックと呼べませんでしたが、アルコールに問題があったと信じていました…そのミーティングにいた女性たちは、私にミーティングから出て行ってもらうかどうかの話し合いを続けていました。何が起こっているのかわかりませんでした。クローズドミーティングについても何も知りませんでした。彼女たちは、私が本当にアルコールを止めたかったことも知りませんでした。あとで知ったのですが一人の女性が、クローズドミーティングの声明に書かれている一つの一行により、他の人たちを説得したのでした。その一行は、"もしあなたがアルコールの問題があると思えば、このミーティングに参加することを歓迎します”2カ月後AAから離れ、アルコールに戻りました。後でわかったのですが、女性たちは、私の質問に答えることよりも、誰かの新しい車 (トラック) に興味があったのです。素晴らしいスタートではありませんでした、確かに。

と話をすることになりました。"今日はソーバー?それからちゃんとやってますか” "あなたは、
をして、ミーティングであの椅子に座っていることによって、メッセージを運んでいます” "私たちが持っているすべては、私たちの話です。自分のストーリーにこだわれば、あなたの話を聞く必要のある人たちはそれを聞くでしょう”





Translator : kj

Good morning - My name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Thank you, Mike, for the topic. My experience with carrying the message... it has been a bumpy ride. The only thing I knew about Alcoholics Anonymous was, this is where one goes if they don't want to drink anymore. The Central Office in Provo, Utah was there to direct me to a women's meeting. At my first meeting, after I introduced myself and said out loud that I couldn't call myself an alcoholic, but that I believed I had a drinking problem... the women in that meeting proceeded to have a discussion on whether to ask me to leave, or not. I had no idea what was happening, didn't know anything about it being a closed meeting, and certainly didn't know that I wanted to stop drinking. I would learn later that one of the gals convinced the others that I could stay because of another line in the closed meeting statement where it states, "If you think you have a problem with alcohol, you are welcome to attend this meeting." I left after two months and went back to drinking after I found that they were more interested in someone's new truck than they were in answering my questions. Not a great start, for sure.

And then, my Higher Power - who I worked so hard to believe out of existence and unbeknownst to me at the time... directed me back to AA. I knew no other solution to the misery of my life other than if I didn't want to drink anymore, AA is where people get sober and stay sober all day, every day... do they not? I found another group and began ninety meetings in ninety days. The people in this group welcomed me like I had never been welcomed anywhere before in my life. They didn't tell what to do or what not to do... other than, I didn't need to drink again if I didn't want to, and keep coming back. So I didn't pick up a drink, kept going to meetings... and, I listened and I listened and I listened. They included me in everything they were doing, both in and out of the room. It would be a year and a half before I would find a sponsor who was willing to walk through the steps with me. It was as if this was the second beginning to the rest of my life... everything took off from there. I followed the example of my sponsor and the others who were instrumental in those early years. They allowed me to forge my own path in sobriety as I learned the program and how to live without alcohol. They were gentle with me when I struggled and they were accepting of me when I would say no to doing something I could not do. This eventually led to doing things I thought I could never do... chair a meeting, present at workshops, share my story in front of a roomful of people I did not know. And, regularly share at meetings... something I knew I would need to learn to do if I was to stay sober. I have been criticized with crosstalk and interrupted before I was finished sharing. That has shut me down to the point of wondering why I was even in a meeting. This has led to many long talks with my sponsor over the years. "Are you sober, today? Then you are doing something right." "You are being of service/carrying the message by sitting in that chair at a meeting." "All we have is our story. Stick to your story and those who need to hear what you have to say will hear it."

So, today... I share my story. I share how the steps and other principles have worked in my life. I share what has been shared with me, the good and the bad. I support AA's service structure in ways that I am able so that others may be able to share their experience which may be different than mine. I live the principles of AA all day every day because they have become a way of life. If I didn't, how would others see the benefit to our solution?

And, I stay sober.

This is only my experience. Yours may be different. Thank you for letting me share.

Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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