Emotional rescue - Mark (2024/2/19)  [Home]



ジャック、素晴らしいトピックをありがとう、それと 18,628 回の「今日一日」をおめでとう。素晴らしい!AAは効きますね。


には「これはうまくいく。実に効果がある。(日本語版 p126)」という一節があり、それが私のAAに対する感情をほぼ要約しています。


の一節は、「それはうまくいく it works 」ほど短くはありませんが、ほぼ同じくらいの短さの「他の人への愛と寛大な気持ちを持つことは、私たちが守るべき決まりである。(日本語版 p121-122) 」で、これは生きる上での言葉であり、時に口にするのは簡単ですが、実行するのは難しいこともあります。

は難しいものですが、私の経験では徐々に楽になります。最初の一歩は、酒や薬物よりも大きな力を見つけてしまうことです。それから、可能な限り混乱や問題を片付けることです。次に、成長成長すること ー つまり、子供じみた振る舞いを続けるのではなく、大人になるということです。それから、昔の自分の夢や恍惚から目覚めることで、問題の一部ではなく解決の一部となれるように願うことが出来るのです。




※訳注:"Emotional resucue" は The Rolling Stones の曲名の引用
Translator : yu


My name is Mark and I’m an alcoholic who, amazingly, doesn’t feel compelled to drink or even debate drinking today. Phew! What a relief that is. (^^

Thanks for the great topic, Jack and congrats on ~18,628 X 24 hours. Fantastic! AA works.

While you were wrapping up your drinking career at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs and I was just getting warmed up a bit north in Boulder, which at the time was a college town and hippy haven, rather the opposite of an Army Base.

Last week the topic was “what’s some of your favorite literature?” and I got too busy to reply, but there’s a line in the Big Book “It works—- it really does” that pretty much sums it up my feeling about AA.

As much as I cringe sometimes when I hear “it works if you work it”, there is some truth to how we need to be dedicated and vigilant to maintaining our daily reprieve. And I guess for me there’s also a matter of not working, not trying to do it all by my lonesome— nose to the grindstone— but letting go of control, relying on a power greater than little old me to do the real work. I need to show up, but I’m not the healer.

I think my favorite BB line, though, is almost as short as “it works”: “Love and tolerance of others is our code.” Words to live by, sometimes easier said than done.

Yes, emotional sobriety is a tough one, but it gets easier, in my experience. First steps: sober up and find a power greater than alcohol and drugs. Then clean up the mess as best I can. Then grow up— become an adult rather than continue to indulge in adolescent behavior. Then wake up from the dream or trance of the old me so I can hopefully be part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

I love that line “AA by the yard is hard, but the inch a cinch.” Not sure that would translate into metric or other languages, but I can relate. To me the 10th step is so key to avoiding emotional hangovers: promptly nipping in the bud any resentments or issues that could stir up trouble.

Anyhow, thank you all for helping me stay sober and in the on-going restoration of sanity.

Marcigny, France

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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