Re: Emotional hangovers - Ellen (2024/2/24)  [Home]
Re: 感情の二日酔い





脳腫瘍が摘出された後、そして腫瘍が引き起こしたと思われる生涯にわたるうつ病も取り除かれた(それは医師たちさえ驚かせました)にもかかわらず ... 私は現在も、自分の感性や感情、そして対人関係を管理する方法を学ぶことに直面しています。あらゆるネガティブな刺激が、私をショートさせました。ミーティングに戻って
活動を再開し、孤立から抜け出していく中で、それらの刺激は時々圧倒的なものでした。家に帰り着くまでに、内面ではコントロールを失い... その後、叫び声、悲鳴、悪態、泣き声が始まりました。私の信頼できるアドバイザーとの小さなつながりは、私が私らしくいられるようにしてくれて、そしてその現在の出来事や起こり得ることから何を学ぶべきかを、私に導いてくれました。そして私はそれを乗り越えました。私の態度や行動は次第に洗練されていきました。苦悩も和らぎました。

がいうところの「私たち」が条件付きであること、私は何のためにここにいるのか ... ヤダヤダヤダと。私はアドバイザー(
?)の全員と話しました。数日かかりましたが、私は感情的に落ち着いてきました ... すべては霊的な原理と、他の仲間たちの知恵と、




Date of Sober 2003/1/21

Translator : yu

Good morning - my name is Ellen and I am an alcoholic. I am very grateful to be sober and alive, today.

Emotional sobriety/emotional hangovers. The emotional hangovers seem to be coming fewer and farther between. They don't appear to be lasting as long as they once did, but some are far more extreme. Hang on! It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Looking back over the first fifteen years of my sobriety, I can see where staying sober, learning the spiritual principles of the program and beginning to live those principles greatly improved my life for a very long time. I was never happy, joyous and free. However, I had hope. As long as I didn't pick up that first drink, took care of what the day held, the pain of living slowly eased.

When the undiagnosed brain tumor began to cause problems in navigating the day, the only aspect it did not negatively impact was my spiritual connection with the God-of-my-understanding. And, that was the only thing that got me through the next several years. I met that Higher Power in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous. My sponsor has always told me, on my darkest days, as long as I didn't pick up a drink, I was doing something right. I clung to that like you couldn't believe.

After the brain tumor was removed, and even though the lifelong depression the tumor apparently had caused had also been removed (that surprised even my doctors)... I was now faced with learning to manage feelings, emotions and people. Any negative stimuli caused me to short-circuit. As I was coming out of isolation by returning to meetings and getting back into service, that stimuli was at times overwhelming. I would inwardly spiral out of control until I got home... then the yelling, screaming, cussing, crying would ensue. My small circle of trusted advisors would let me be me and then guide me into what I was supposed to be learning from whatever that current event or happening was. I got through it. My attitudes and behaviors began to become more refined. The angst has softened.

Just this week, I asked a fellow alcoholic (a man) for help in dealing with a drunk person (a man) in a meeting. I didn't get it. I got home feeling like I was worthless, I could not do anything to prevent the drunk person from driving as he left the meeting, that the 'we' of the program was conditional, why am I here... yadda yadda yadda. I talked to all of my advisors. It has taken several days, but I have settled down emotionally... all because of spiritual principles and the collective wisdom of others, as well as guidance and strength from my Higher Power. This would not have happened before. I feel and see progress. It can still be ugly and painful until I come through it, but I AM coming through it.

And, I stay sober.

This is my experience, yours may be different.

Thank you for letting me share.

Hugs, Ellen A
Lakeside, Arizona
DOS 1-21-03

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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