Kind Counsel - George (2024/3/6)  [Home]





Translator : yu

Hi, everyone. George, a drunk. Thank you, Yuu, for chairing. And congratulations for your sixteen years of sobriety, achieved one day at a time, and I'm certain, in your early sobriety, there were nanoseconds at a time.

Of course, gossip in any AA meeting is undesirable because we members are there to share our experiences with how our life used to be, what happened, and what life is like now due to our being changed dramatically by AA. If somebody does gossip, I see it as our duty to let both people know how gossip negatively affects all members at an AA meeting. I believe it's best to be as kind and gentle as possible when we do so.

For example, I asked Terry after a meeting if he'd like to go to a restaurant with me: I was buying the coffee. He said yes, and eventually I arrived at my reason for our meeting, letting Terry know that in AA, we try our best to help other alcoholics, and speaking negatively about an absent member affects all of us in attendance, but especially affects the absent member about whom we are gossiping. Terry spoke to the other member with whom he gossiped, as well. Both men still attend meetings and are positive all the time. I hope I had a small part in that outcome.

And that's the way it works for me.

This is an amateur translation, so take it with a grain of salt.

AA Nishiogi Big Book (Tokyo, Japan), 2023 
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